Bilingual text on display monitors and printing

Would it be possible to get everything displayed in tradional Chinese and English for easy operation by employees that either can’t read Chinese or English well. Reading through the posts I know it can be printed in either language, but could it be in both simultaneously?

Yes This is possible, I will place instructions in 1 hour here.

Go To Program Settings - General Settings and Product Tag Captions:
In my case EN,VN,N1 (for English, Vietnamese, N1)

Go to your product: (Login / Logout can be required to update your screen)

For your Kitchen Display go to Design Mode - Settings and change/add the code.

<T>Table - {ENTITY NAME:Table}]

{ENTITY NAME:Customer}



J00:2- {QUANTITY} {NAME}|Void

– Format for order tags

In my case for the Kitchen I have one display en 2 Entity screens, so on the left in Vietnamese and on the right in English and separated the Jobs for the P-Kitchen and Kitchen

For the printer, you would do similar to edit the Kitchen Printer and or Ticket Template.
This is just a sample, as I have not looked at the formatting.


That’s Vietnamese, so it would work with traditional Chinese? But can the on-screen buttons be bilingual? Not just the menu items.

Yes, Possible. Go to Menu List


Thanks, I already downloaded Samba V4 but needed to be sure I can use it in my environment. Now I’ll by a server and the terminals (need to be sure they work with Samba), have alreadya few older ticket printers, a cashbox, and customer display. Don’t actually know what to buy, there are a few in Taiwan.

The most difficult will be the coding, isn’t it? I’m not an IT guy.

BTW, off topic … bitterballen in Vietnam?

Hi belgianpie, there is no real limitation on the computers / terminals. I can give you an advise if needed. Can you explain your planned setup. Important is if you like to use tablets with RDP connections, than Windows Server 2014 with RDP clients would be a requierment.
The SambaPOS forum is very active in helping anyone out. and no need to be a IT wizard to understand. Reading the Manuals and following step by step will guide you.
Yes Bitterballen in Vietnam, Flamisch Stew, Belgian Fries etc. Look at our website if your interested.

This domain name “” may be pending for final approval. Please “Check Whois” before “Registering”.

Using “.VN” domain name is protected by the Vietnamese laws.

That’s the link you gave me.

I’ll be back for support for sure.

Sorry typo.

No problem, will help as good as I can. PS Belgian background.