Block user Void all Item on 1 ticket

How to block void from all item on 1 ticket sales?

Sorry I don’t understand your question.

You want to void all items on 1 individual ticket ? If so that’s simple, just select all the items and click Void.

I want to give rule on 1 ticket, user can’t void all item, just 1 or 2 item.
If select all item and it make void 1 ticket.

But you need to be specific - is it 1 item, 2 items or what?

Anyway, how about if your ticket only contains 1 or 2 items?

Could you please explain more about what you are trying to do (i.e. why do you want it like this), then maybe we can give a better / alternative solution?

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the problem, when all item void, so after close 1 ticket will be close.
So if we can block it for all void item, we can make user be aware for input sale.

Yes, if you void all items on a ticket then the ticket will be closed since it has no further items on it.

However, if you don’t allow all items to be voided, it might cause you other problems because there are many genuine scenarios you might need to void all items on an order.

I don’t think it is a good idea for stopping all items being voided. Also like I said previously, how about if ticket only has one item, can’t that item be voided? Sometimes a reason of concern with void is due to staff misuse of the function, so there are other ways around that. You can also allow either only admins, or specific users to use void function, and you can force it so it asks for confirmation by admin PIN if the feature is used.

Anyway, even the ticket won’t show if all items are voided, you can still see this information in reports.

Maybe you can consider also using Void Reasons to make sure staff give a reason for every void. You can check out this tutorial on how to do that:

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Oke, its staff problem.
Thank You

Keeping a log for voids might be an alternative. This tutorial demonstrates logging feature.


He might also be talking about cancel items button although its hard to tell due to language barrier. In the past people called Cancel Items button void and did not understand that it doesn’t create a ticket yet. I agree though the logging is best way to handle either situation.