hellow samba i will like to know how to bold or sublined some items in a report, actually in the report preview they are bolded but when i print it the bold dessapeared
look at “sencilla americano + tocineta promo” and “sencilla 200gr” they are actually bolded but that dessapeared when i print it
heres my report template
[Ventas de Modificadores por Articulo:5, 3, 2, 1,]
Producto|# Modificadores|Valor|
@{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:O.MenuItemName,O.ExactTotal.Sum.desc:(ODI=True):{0}:,}
{REPORT ORDER TAG DETAILS:O.MenuItemName,T.Qty.Sum.desc;#,([T.Price][T.Qty]).sum;‘#.##;-#.##;-’:(ODI=True) and O.MenuItemName=“$1” and O.OrderTags != “” and O.OrderTags != null}
{REPORT ORDER TAG DETAILS:T.Value,T.Qty.sum;#,([T.Price][T.Qty]).sum;‘#.##;-#.##;-’:Order.MenuItemName=“$1” and (ODI=True)}