Button " to follow "

Hello to all.
I would like craete a button in this position… (cirle red :wink:)

…to have this in the ticket in kitchen display (cirle red :laughing:)

What could I read for it ?

A button to put a separator line?


Not sure on your use of the line but also take a look at grouping, I have my starter/main etc grouping based on an order state called course, this defines an onscreen group and also grouping on printed template.
I also configured mine to allow setting for example a starter to be grouped in mains (maybe child having starter with adults mains) by updating the order state via a change course button.

yes thank you I think is what I need . Tomorrow morning, I check !

"Order Line Separators

If anyone interested we can add separators between orders.

Update Ticket Line Separator action used for this."

thanks a lot this was what I needed to me :sunglasses: