Hi guys,
when im at screen to print i only see print bill
i configured the printers so when i press print bill the kitchen printer recive the orden and also my pos printer prints the bill i would like to add a button to just only print the kitchen order and when costumer ask for his bill i print the bill
The default kitchen print process is based on order states, have you created a new kitchen print action or are you using the existing one? If it doesnt check states it will print all orderes every time rather than just the new orders (obviously depends on what you want to happen)
Youll need a new automation command (the print kitchen bill button)
A new rule of automation command executed with constraint of command name = the name of the automation command.
In this rule start with the print action you have added to the print bill button rule.
Depending on the flow as mentioned above you will likely need additional actions but need to know how you expect this to flow to sugest on that.
wel, a costumer makes an order and he says thats it for now i when im done i would maybe take desert.
so now i add the products he want then i woulld “print order” this order will now print only in the kitchen printer
when the costumer is done and ask for the bill i then press the “print bill”
@JTRTech u did not give me an update on the other topic how paid service help or paid training
Why do you want a print to kitchen button then? The default print to kitchen seems like it would work as you want, orders are by default sent to kitchen on ticket close.
Ie if you take mains orders, put on table and close ticke tmains are printed to kitchen, you then open the ticket again and add pudding and when closed again the pudding is then sent to kitchen without the mains that were already ordered.
default you mean the print bill?
i dont have because when i do print bill now i get 2 print out one in the kitchen and on with the price on it if the costumer makes 3 seprate order that night i get 3 print out for nothing not even used thats why i want to print the kitchen order sepratley
You need to read up on kitchen printer setup and print jobs.
The default samba install has good kitchen printer setup and all you would need to do is specify the kitchen printer from windows in the printers list and specify your products/product groups in the kitchen print job in print jobs tab.
You see to have already customized the kitchen print flow so might not be that simple now.
Default kitchen print is send on ticket closing and only send new orders which are specified in the kitchen print job.
yes already did that right now the printer in the kichen is working and the printer at the front desk each printing sepratly but both printing the same time
setting>printer > specified all the diffrent printers ticket , Kitchen , invoice (invoice is not prinitng i dont know why)
setting >printer jobs> print orders to kitchen printer ?
OK so its your automation.
When are they printing? on print bill button?
well right now any time i want the orde to go to the kitchen i have to print bill
it should be some ting like this i saw this on a forum but they are explaining a diffrent topic there
so when i have that i just print order every time the geust order food and when the geust ask for bill to pay i just print bill