Caller ID Pop Up

it is possible to edit Caller ID Pop up Window, it can show me not only Tel Number and name of customer, but complete information about existing customer? Like this for exemple:

077 777 77 77
Hanspeter Imfeld
Sandgasse 1
8799 Zurich

Same Information on Order Window:

On V5, you can put something like this in the “Detail Format” field:

{ENTITY NAME} Calling...
{ENTITY DATA:First Name} {ENTITY DATA:Last Name}

(of course, you need to change the custom data fields to match those you have)

This will give you something like this:

I don’t know if this works on V4, I haven’t setup caller ID on that version before.

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Caller ID Setting is working well, it shows the number. My Question was to show the same information on Order Window(Tel, Name, Surname and Adress)

Same Infos in Caller ID Pop up and order Window.


The bit your pointing at is changeable in the entity display format on the entity type setup tab.

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