I ran a diff this morning between the dbs because it was bothering me not knowing why it wasn’t working. On the non-working one I didn’t set the entity type for the custom entity screen holding the entity search widget. But that doesn’t explain why it worked with another entity type. Ah, well. Some things are best left unknown… or something.
AFAIK if you don’t specify the entity type and entity screen for the caller ID, it will default to “Customers” entity type and “Customer Search” entity screen. This is probably where the confusion occurred.
I was under the impression it needed a widget to which to pipe the data.
No, that’s not needed unless you want to capture the data. If you just want it going to an entity screen, widget is not needed.
Sorry I haven’t been following your topic fully, but I have setup caller ID on probably over 100 systems, I will share the settings I use.
ffs, you’re telling me you have other things that are more important than my drivel? How rude.
I’ll experiment with no custom entity screen and see if it hits the default one.
that would be most appreciated - thanks!