Cancel payment button not working [4.1.31] SOLVED!

Dear @Emre, the cancel payments button, is no longer working in 4.1.31. could that be possible?
Its the yellow button in this screen…

It actually works but does not refresh screen.

Create a Display Payment Screen action and add it to Cancel Payment rule to work after Cancel Payment action.

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sorry,did not completelly follow you, could you help me out please?



  • Create a new action and select Display Payment Screen as action type. Name it as Display payment screen too.
  • Edit Cancel Payment rule that works when you click on Cancel Payment button.
  • Add Display payment screen action under Cancel Payment action.


I dont know if I already had a DISPLAY PAYMENT SCREEN or when I added SAMBA did addit twice… have to pay more attention to that!!

OK!!, now it works great again… what was the problem?



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