I continually run into this but can usually click randomly until I get a menu, however:
When trying to edit an HTML Viewer Widget (Right click to get menu to edit Properties and settings) I receive a blank menu instead. In this particular case I can’t edit the URL in the Widget to the new address.
I’ve gotten to a point now where I’m going to have to start deleting these entity screens and starting over. This has to be something I’m doing or have changed? Does anyone else run into this?
Occasionally I had to deal with that too. But you can edit the widget in the database directly and shorten its height just for the purpose of giving you access to to it, so you can edit it
That is to enter design mode… you can also enter design mode with ctrl + shift + d without having to do all of that. @Posflow I am not sure you knew that or not.
I was unsuccessful with the ctrl+shift+d method. I tested it on a few of my entity screens and that only seems to work on the screens where the page successfully loads. In my case I need to update the address so that mine loads correctly which is for some reason causing the keyboard shortcut not to work.
But it doesnt help in his case and the one that I recreated, even after in design mode, you are unable to get the popup to open for additional settings. And I think its specific to HTML widget