Can't login to samba market


I can not login to samba market in and can not log in Samba Market in SambaPOS v4.

The major problem I do not remember login NAME to reset PASSWORD via email.
But I have proofs I have bought Database modul $2.95:

Date of purchase 10.11.2015 18:14:22 GMT+02:00. Paypal recipt 79408948KD227424Y

Cold you help me rocover my login to samba market in SambaPOS.
Thanks for respond in advance.

I sent your samba market user name to your registered e-mail address.

Thank you, problem solved

me too cant find out my samba market user name and password

You can use this link to reset your password.

Hi I can’t login to the samba market or in the web keeps telling mi my email address is invalid

When did you register? If it was before the new cp you need to use username not email.

dosent work email or username , just to be sure its the same i’m using now

Tried reset password?

i did it but have no respond

I’d say you have wrong user or password then.
You might need to speak to @Tayfun

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i dit it using my email now it works. but u have the activation warning because i want to use the database backup, i want to know how to run it and get my restaurant going

How to run what?
You have a market account. Buy a licence. Then within samba login to market section and install (if not already) the licence module and activate…

Before you spend money on a v4 module you should purchase v5 it includes all of those modules.