Can't resize icon

For me I found it that you’d need to play around with your images and size, I think screen resolution is also a big factor.

I edited all images to have height of 550px and RESOLUTION of 300dpi … worked well for me. But that resolution is not a usual procedure for software use. I am also experienced with Photoshop so it was easier for me to work with images.

Here is a screen:

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Perhaps just for reference @emre could clarify the image resizing rules.

I hazard a guess from screenshots I’ve seen that the image is scaled (proportionately) to fit width.
Again from others screenshots I would hazard a guess that it’s a shrink scale only and not enlarge as not all images are full width and only reason I can see is image is smaller.

Perhaps a accurate description of the scaling/resizing will help clarify and reduce unessersery problems/questions.

If a button has visible caption it fits image width. If no caption it fits width and height to display full image.

Would this stretch the image is it had the wrong proportions?

Sorry couldn’t understand what you’re asking.

I think I must have misunderstood what you meant reading it back again.

Scales the image to fit the width is the answer, ie as shown in the above if its a tall image it would be scaled to fit the width of the given button horizontally and centered vertically.

The caption takes precedence to the image so it stays readable which is smart design. Even if you get rid of caption that image will be too small for those button dimensions once it scales. You should match button to image proportions.

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