Cash by multi currency

Hi Team,
Could I have your advice, I have 3 currency (LAK, THB, US) the default is LAK, can we put popup asking to select pay by LAK and THB and US button after click Cash button

As far as I know it’s not possible to get a pop-up at the point in the operator-flow that you are describing. If the particular usage you are describing is crucial to you then you might struggle to get a solution.

However, the good news is that it is possible, and relatively well documented how you can take payment in multiple currencies.

The original guide to adding multi-currency support is here:

But, you will probably find a few short-comings that can prove frustrating, but there has recently been a lot of work by @emre to really improve the handling of multiple currencies.

You can see my discussion of the challenges of multi-curreny and @emre’s solutions here:

You’ll notice that Emre has released quite a few updates to fix specific issues. At the time of writing, these updates are part of the 5.1.61 beta, which you might need to ask for special permission to access, prior to release.

TIP I am not sure how you operate you business, but I am guessing that the Kip and Bhat are much more changeable currencies than the US Dollar. You’ll see in my article above I discuss why I don’t use my true local currency (the Mexican Peso) as my base currency - instead, I base my prices in Dollars so that I don’t need to constantly change my price list.

But the good news is, SambaPOS can now handle multiple-currencies fantastically

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Hi mjb2000,
thank you very much i can cash by currency now, and how can we print Tendere and Change by currency in bill


Sub Total:|[=F(TN(’{TICKET TOTAL}’)-TN(’{TAX TOTAL}’))]
Total in USD:|[=F(TN(’{TICKET TOTAL}’)/TN(’{EXCHANGE RATE:US}’),’#,##0 $’)]
Total in THB:|[=F(TN(’{TICKET TOTAL}’)/TN(’{EXCHANGE RATE:THB}’),’#,##0 THB’)]

Need your advice this below
Tendered amount: (Tendered amount of US or THB) ??
Change amount: (Change amount of US or THB) ??
Change by LAK: =(EXCHANGE RATE of US and THB * LAK)??

I split my ticket to show all my payemnts, then all my changes (sometimes customer may a mix of different money - USD cash and MXN card for example).

Below is what my ticket template currently looks like:

You will see that I don’t use just a general [PAYMENTS] tag - I use transaction specific template tags by adding the : to customise how I present each different type of payment.

[PAYMENTS:Customer Account]
[<J00>Customer credit (USD)|{PAYMENT AMOUNT}]

<L>Visa/Mastercard ({DESCRIPTION})

<L>American Express ({DESCRIPTION})