Cash payment popup showing wrong amount

Hi guys i recently encounter this small problem, when receiving payment and selecting and different currency it does not show the correct currency selected but rather showing default currency
Instead of showing $35 it is showing 1260 USD




function tutar() {
	var tutar		= Data.Get("tenderedAmount").toFixed(2);
	var type		= Data.Get("paymentTypeName");
	var accountId	= sql.Query("SELECT Account_Id FROM PaymentTypes WHERE Name IN ('"+type+"')").First;
	var CurrencyId	= sql.Query("SELECT ForeignCurrencyId FROM Accounts WHERE Id = "+accountId+"").First;
	var change		= sql.Query("SELECT ExchangeRate FROM ForeignCurrencies Where Id = "+CurrencyId+"").First;
	var change		= change.replace(/,/g,'.');
	var change		= Number(change).toFixed(2);
	var sonuc		= Number(tutar/change).toFixed(2);
	var soru 		= dlg.AskQuestion("Do You Confirm "+sonuc+" "+type+" Payment?","Yes=1:green;green,No=0:darkred;darkred","white");    
    if (soru  == "0") {Data.Set("canContinue",false);  dlg.ShowMessage("Payment Cancelled");};
    return 1;



thank you for your time. But now the Srd amount is not showing and please advice