Change price of items with $ or %

Dear @Emre, I have to change my whole menu price list. some items will have a fixed amount increase and others will have a percentage.

Is there any way to do this without going thru all menus and changing them manually?



Nope, but you can use Products > Price List Editor to help speed things up.

Theoretically, you could do it in SQL as well, but your Products would need to be very well grouped/categorized for it to be efficient.

@emre, speaking of the Price List Editor, can you possibly add a columns for GroupCode and Tag? It would help with searching, sorting and filtering for more efficient editing.

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I do use Price List Editor… but its a lot of work… I have a lot of items and 2 price lists…
Having a tool to do this would be a GREAT feature…


Ok @gerlandog, so what would this tool be able to do that is not already covered by the Price List Editor? What are the details of the Tool that you would like to see? What extra functionality does it have? How can @emre build a the Tool that you want without an understanding of what it is that it is supposed to be able to do?

I would like to see a screen where you have X textboxes:


Fixed Amount

So if you complete any of those, calculate the new price.

for example:

Product (blank)
Portion: Grande
Group: Pizza

Fixed Amount: 1;00
Percentage: 10%

that would add to ALL PIZZAS THAT HAVE A GRANDE PORTION $1 and 10% to the price

Product: Sandwich
Portion: (blank)
Group: (blank)

Fixed Amount: 1;00
Percentage: 10%

That would add to ALL PRODUCTS THAT HAVE HE WORD SANDWICH $1 and 10% to the price



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Look at your Products, Portions, and Prices:

USE [SambaPOS4]

,mp.[Name] as [PortionName]
,p.[Price] as [PortionPrice]
FROM [MenuItems] mi
left join [MenuItemPortions] mp on mp.[MenuItemId]=mi.[Id]
left join [MenuItemPrices] p on p.[MenuItemPortionId]=mp.[Id]
AND p.[PriceTag] is null
ORDER BY mi.[GroupCode], mi.[Name], mp.[Id]

Update to Add 1 dollar:

UPDATE pri SET pri.[Price] = pri.[Price] + 1
FROM [MenuItems] prod
left join [MenuItemPortions] por on por.[MenuItemId]=prod.[Id]
left join [MenuItemPrices] pri on pri.[MenuItemPortionId]=por.[Id]
AND pri.[PriceTag] is null
AND prod.[GroupCode]='Pizza'
AND por.[Name]='Grande'

Update to Add 10%:

UPDATE pri SET pri.[Price] = pri.[Price] + (pri.[Price] * 0.1)
FROM [MenuItems] prod
left join [MenuItemPortions] por on por.[MenuItemId]=prod.[Id]
left join [MenuItemPrices] pri on pri.[MenuItemPortionId]=por.[Id]
AND pri.[PriceTag] is null
AND prod.[GroupCode]='Pizza'
AND por.[Name]='Grande'

Modify as required…
Are you adding 1 then applying 10% to the +1 price? Run the queries in the order shown.
Or do you want 10% applied, then plus 1? Run the queries in reverse.

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ja… the last two times Ihad to do a massive change of prices, was that way… but since all pos in pos industry do have it, I tought that it would be a good idea to get a change price tool…



So as we have Ask Question action what we need is an action that can run parameterized sql queries?

I was not execting this answer…LOL
I was tinking more like a back ofice tool, some kind of panle in the PRICE LIST EDITOR screen…
this will not be a daily basis use tool…



Yes I’ve already added your request in my todo list. I was just brainstorming for a quicker solution. I thought if it can be a feature useful for other things.

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