Change ticket entity action

I am working on some controls for paying over the amount etc. Should just be some simple constraints.

In hindsight your system is more efficient than mine as it removes the need to write the initial data to the card.
However when I ordered my cards I got them all blank and I write the unique Id to the card when I setup the loyalty account for customers - means I can keep track of any cards given out and easily replace lost/damaged cards using the same entity ID.
Your system looks good and is a great alternative to use

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Obviously the best method would be to come up with a specific encoding and encode the cards to that specification and build it around that. And you can still do that with this setup as well. I just have cards from a different system I want to use lol.


Awesome work, looks fantastic. BTW what touch screen are you using in your video?

That is an all in 1 terminal I resell