Change Ticket Type not working consistently or as expected

As based on his tutorial, when you select the first order then click “Wastage”.

I wasn’t relating this to payment type buttons, in this example it is more specific about automation command buttons on ticket screen.

In his tutorial, in the screenshots at the start that show the workflow, you can see between steps 2 and 3, after clicking “Wastage” the below ticket buttons change - all are replaced with just the “Process Wastage” button. You can also see on both screenshots it is still a “New Ticket” therefore hasn’t been closed.

So I would have assumed the button changes is due to the automation commands being mapped to the ticket type. Now, I accept that Rick’s setup is very complex so it may well be the case he is hiding the other buttons using visible states. But also given he is logged in as Admin I don’t see any way you could easily remove all the other buttons and show just one with only using visible states.

This tutorial was just one example. I have had this problem before when changing ticket type of an open ticket. I am using this tutorial as an example because it appears to show it working as I had assumed. Indeed the workflow presented would not work the same if you had to close and reopen the ticket before using Pay Ticket.

I didn’t ask @RickH about this directly but maybe he can comment on this?

EDIT: Actually in this example, I think Rick had the same issue and had to use visible states to show/hide automation command buttons. I only found this after searching deeper: