Changing Table Button Captions problem


We have to keep opened some tables on Sambapos. Pre order button is selected on Ticket Types. So we can Start and End workperiod right now even some tables opened on Sambapos.


Our problem is Table Button Captions are not working on our opened tables.

If we open a new table after start workperiod, no any problem.


We are using REPORT TICKET DETAILS for showing details on table button.

If table be opened before “end workperiod”, this details are not working.

How can i fix it? Maybe we can use REPORT SQL DETAILS but i dont know how can i use it.

Those my display format codes:

<bold>$1</bold><size 28></size><br/>
{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:T.RemainingAmount:(TEN.Masalar=$1) and 'RemainingAmount>0':-}<size 28></size><br/>
{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:TT.Masa İsmi:(TEN.Masalar=$1) and 'RemainingAmount>0':-}<size 28></size><br/>
👤{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:TT.Kişi Sayısı:(TEN.Masalar=$1) and 'RemainingAmount>0':-}<size 28></size>

Welcome to the community, @destanayhan.

Are you ending and starting workperiods during the day? What is the reasoning behind this?

Thank you @Bob_be.

Normaly we can ending and starting workperiods but we don’t want to do that because this error situation. If we fix it, i will use ending and starting workperiods again. Because our some reports are not working correctly too because of this situation.

We have to keep open some tables on sambapos because we are using this program for our restaurant and hotel rooms. We arrange some tables for accommodation guests.
We are keeping guests room bills on sambapos’s ROOMS tab till hotel guests check-out.

I think maybe changing the entity state would be a better option, than using tickets to entity state. But @JTRTech would know alot more about this than I would. He has a similar situation. Hopefully he will chime in.

You could also search the forum, I know it has been discussed many times. To narrow down the search by user by using the @ in front the user name and use Ctrl + Enter to display there search results on a page.

{REPORT SQL DETAILS:SELECT Tickets.RemainingAmount,Tickets.TicketTags,'{ENTITY STATE MINUTES:Status}' as "dk" FROM Tickets INNER JOIN TicketEntities ON Tickets.Id = TicketEntities.Ticket_Id WHERE TicketEntities.EntityName IN ('$1') AND Tickets.Isclosed = 0:F.RemainingAmount,F.TicketTags(TN=Masa İsmi)TV,F.TicketTags(TN=Kişi Sayısı)TV,{0}<br/>{1}<br/>👤{2} - ⏲️ {3}}
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Thank you İlyas.

I try to do that some tables working good but some tables unfortunately not working. I didn’t understand why.

We have total 3 table in Odalar tab. 2 table working good and 1 table is not working.

But restaurant tab is not working even if i open new table, no display any information.

I think i find problem. If i use Turkish character on table names, no display any information.

If i change table names without Turkish character and add new some orders, i can see informations.

Everything is working verywell now thank you for help @ilyas.

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{REPORT SQL DETAILS:SELECT Tickets.RemainingAmount,Tickets.TicketTags,'{ENTITY STATE MINUTES:Status}' as "dk" FROM Tickets INNER JOIN TicketEntities ON Tickets.Id = TicketEntities.Ticket_Id WHERE TicketEntities.EntityId = {ENTITY ID} AND Tickets.Isclosed = 0:F.RemainingAmount,F.TicketTags(TN=Masa İsmi)TV,F.TicketTags(TN=Kişi Sayısı)TV,{0}<br/>{1}<br/>👤{2} - ⏲️ {3}}

Wow thats realy perfect solution thank you again @ilyas

Also i think i will use REPORT TICKET DETAILS and REPORT SQL DETAILS together with “if” tags for better performance. Because almost %80 tables can work with REPORT TICKET DETAILS and other %20 work with REPORT SQL DETAILS.

Like that:

<bold>$1</bold><size 28></size><br/>
<if '{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:T.RemainingAmount:(TEN.Masalar=$1) and 'RemainingAmount>0':-}'!=''>{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:T.RemainingAmount:(TEN.Masalar=$1) and 'RemainingAmount>0':-}<size 28></size><br/>
{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:TT.Masa İsmi:(TEN.Masalar=$1) and 'RemainingAmount>0':-}<size 28></size><br/>
👤{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:TT.Kişi Sayısı:(TEN.Masalar=$1) and 'RemainingAmount>0':-}<size 28></size></if>
<if '{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:T.RemainingAmount:(TEN.Masalar=$1) and 'RemainingAmount>0':-}'==''>{REPORT SQL DETAILS:SELECT Tickets.RemainingAmount,Tickets.TicketTags,'{ENTITY STATE MINUTES:Status}' as "dk" FROM Tickets INNER JOIN TicketEntities ON Tickets.Id = TicketEntities.Ticket_Id WHERE TicketEntities.EntityId = {ENTITY ID} AND Tickets.Isclosed = 0:F.RemainingAmount,F.TicketTags(TN=Masa İsmi)TV,F.TicketTags(TN=Kişi Sayısı)TV,{0}<br/>{1}<br/>👤{2}}</if>

This type of entity display can causeperfornace issues as will end up querying while db for each entity on screen on everybrefresh.
I took mine off in the end as made entity screen slow to load as db grew.

Something I experimented with and worked was using custom entity fields and automation on ticket closed to fill those fields in vs using the tags in the screen.