If anyone has a server and separate terminal that could test that be my guest. I wont be able to test it until tomorrow. It should work though if it doesn’t then I would argue its a bug because SERVER DATE:X should only read server date.
How you create the “show message” Action?
New action - show message/ then what kind of Action Type I have to chose?
Action Type put [:msg]
That tells it that its a variable and will read it from the Rule.
Then go to your rule I showed above and place the syntax I listed above in the action in the box called msg
Here is what Cancel Orders action looks like:
You should name it something else though so it does not interfere with default Cancel Orders action that is already in system. I just did that for demonstration.
I will do as you showed me and test it , THANK YOU so far!!
You can create an action with task scheduler with a .bat to sync the time between your pcs
Only works if I log out and log in again, if I stay login in I can still can change the time without any message comes up
Did you try adding an order to a ticket ?
Show me your rule you made.
uh I did order anything… let me try…
LOL there is no event that can check if you change clock… thats why I built it around Order Added… it checks when you attempt to add an order.
haha yes stupid meee ! Now it works nicely!!!
Thank you guys! U STILL THE BEST !!!
However I would be interested in that Idea of Francisco (muchas gracias.^^) how to create that schedule action to update with server time, eg, every morning…!!?
That was not a SambaPOS action he referred too. That was using Windows Task Scheduler to run a bat file that syncs time. Google that maybe? It wont work if someone changes time and then immediately creates a ticket though. It will only run on set schedule.
You should read that article about Acer tablets… if your sure its not a person changing the time then the only other thing it can be is Hardware Issue.
ah oki, I understand
Another option could be to additionally use a bat file to sync the time with the server.
We had a time issue with out old PMS where clocks would occasionally drift out of sync.
It had no detrimental effect on the system other than an annoying popup on there software which had like a 5-10sec sync limit.
Either way they gave me a bat file which updated the client time using the server time which i added to a startup task.
If nothing else maybe a similar bat file would be used as part of this flow so it show popup and the ask question triggers the script to resync the time with the server.
Well in theory the date rule works, but in practice we see now, that I got this message even the time looks the same…
The rule seams its too sensitive? maybe differences only some seconds…and it “rules”
Change the Rule Constraint so that it does not include Seconds …
{DATE:yyyyMMdd HHmm} Not Matches {SERVER DATE:yyyyMMdd HHmm}
Yes I will do and check this evening how the behavior of my PADs results
This is the code
@echo off
time out /t /10 /nobreak
net time \\NAMESERVER /set /yes
Search how to create the bat file if you don’t know
In Windows task scheduler you can create an action to run the bat file when you start sambapos or when you start Windows for example. (Google it)
Then in action property you can add a rule to run the action in time intervals like every minute or every hour…
Thank you Francisco, I will try it
The situation is the SAMBA PADs have 2 users, Admin (me) and “User” (Staff using SAMBA, where have NO Privilege for nothing to change)
IF I simply run the .bat YES detect the time difference and ask me to change the time … but If I prompt with “Y” unfortunately has no change on the PAD time bcs of some privilege missing , however I did this on Admin level
It works, if I start manual the .bat, by right click and “run as Admin”, BUT it must run from the login USER level and automatically.
So I tried the Task Scheduler with “highest Privileges” and Add the Administrator as the execution User:
, It still not except the PW or user to create the Task, no idea what freaking PW he expect, but its not my Admin PW (tried 5 times)
How about to ADD an ARGUMENT on the executed Program to run it as the ADMIN? is there any Syntax for?