after correction of my mistake group working perfect just Price issue remaining.
Result is
Sorry basically I am new so these little mistakes happened.
after correction of my mistake group working perfect just Price issue remaining.
Result is
Sorry basically I am new so these little mistakes happened.
Did you update the order promotion price setting? Can you show/expand that action?
Sir. you are the great you dont know what you do for me. I was working on it from last 2 months and I was very disapointed from Samba and I was thinking to move my restaurant to any other software but you helped me alooooooooooot because I like samba. I am very thankful to your. I am so happy because of your help
After made this changes prices issue also resolved.
No problem Bajo. I appreciate people that try to fix their issues and improve their knowledge of the system .
FYI though. Based on Emres setup allowing for multiple deals on single items you shouldnât use ITEM TAG:Promotion for the price list. You need to use the specific deal selected thatâs why I used {SETTING:Deal}.
That way youâre getting the specific deal. Otherwise if you have multiple deals per item it wonât resolve the price list definition.
A calculation issue is happened in this system if help in this matter I am very thankful to you.
Please see the screen shot.
See my previous post regarding your price list definition.
Then what is the best solution for this system because Items are used in multiple deal specially Cold Drink. Cold Drink is a part of every deal almost then how we mange this.
Change Price Tag to {SETTING:Deal}
You want to change these setting that was shown in pictures
If I Change Price Tag in Rule(Add Promotion Item) then prices gone â0â
If Change Price tag on both screen then no changes made in prices as shown in pictures.
{SETTING:Deal} should match the price tag name for the deal. The promotion item tag simply identifies what item is associated with the deals.
Itâs not {ITEM TAG:Deal} itâs {SETTING:Deal} for the price list in the rule.
If you set this correctly, you should be fine. Then you can configure order tag settings and other features.
Now I understand that. Thanks again your video helped me for my mistake.
one last question can we set use cold drink (or other product) quantity different in different deals. For Example
Deal 1
1xCold Drink
Deal 2
2xCold Drink
1xHot Shot
Yes but the more complexity the more settings or specialization. Now youâre adding customized quantity based on the deal. You can either handle this through constraints and multiplication/addition in your rule or somehow within your item tags.
Sir, as I told you that I am new in Samba so donât know so much about it. You helped me lot so do not like to disturb your or waste your time.
So whenever you feel free to help or guide me then please guide me with Action & Rules with screen shots then I will be able to make this. For now I change my menu of restaurant or do some manual work but whenever you guide it to me then I will use my main menu in it.
Thanks you so much sir.
Okay, well hereâs a quick example using script automation. Rather than add a bunch of item tags for different quantities we can use string manipulation.
Splitting the quantity item tag we can use a single string to define the quantities for Deal 1,2,3 etc⊠Just add a comma for each deal so we can get the index.
So for Example:
Promotion: Deal1,Deal3
Quantity: 1,,4
*note the extra comma because we donât have a Deal2, but need it because weâre using Deal3 as the index.
Its Done perfectly⊠Amazing sir, Thank sooooooooo alot sir, My Deal system is completed⊠I am very thankful to you and I will remember you in my prayers. Thanks again.
Hi, Sir one thing to discuss with you. When we select deal in multiple quantity it not work. For example if I select single deal it will be selected single but if I want to select same deal in multiple quantity like 2 even then it will select single deal as you can see in picture so tell me can we set it with multiple quantity.
Itâs not a product you will need to automate that.
@Bajo, you need to take some time to try solving these enhancements. If you spend time configuring the system you should start to understand how it works. See below:
Is there a complete description of this from the beginning?