Hi, I need to delete sambapos from one of my customer computer to reinstall e insert a new from scrap but any time that I re install samba the same menu appear and with all the anterior configuration.
What part I messing???
SambaPOS data is stored in the database not the software install. Are you just wanting to restart the configuration? Did you install with the LocalDB option?
I need erase everything but I erase the database is just in document right?
If you installed LocalDB version no it is not just a file. Did you install CE or LocalDB?
I instal SQ version but I uninstall the SQL server
yeah LOcal database is what I install
Can you let me know the places in windows that I have to go to erase everything?
Thanks in advance
Some one can help me please I need erase complete my sambapos to begin fron “cero”
Install SQL Express 2014 and then set a fresh new database in your connection string. In future if you ever want to start fresh you can just delete the database from MSSMS. SQL Express is the best way to go.
Here is tutorial.