ok, lets say I do that…
I still couldn’t get the entity screen to open unless I had chose a product?
ok, lets say I do that…
I still couldn’t get the entity screen to open unless I had chose a product?
my bad, i had it set to Can Create Ticket: False
needed to be True
Surely you dont need to create a ticket to see an entity screen? Ticket wouldnt be created untill selecting entity…
either or, it works.
Next (and last question)
Cant seem to open the orders (stole the entity screen from @RickH BarTabs (sorry m8)
scrap that, was doing it the wrong way.
All sorted
Hi, I’ve been using this and it is working well, until my client started re-opening tickets and cancelling the payments. I’ve update the Ticket Status to Unpaid when ticket is re-opened but for some reason this work period button doesn’t count those tickets.
What can be the reason for this?
Because you ticket date is in the past…
Thank you,
If this is the case is there a way to prevent the customer from re-opening a ticket of a previous WP?
Customer from opening?
I think on my system I was going to implement a lock using ticket state minutes report expression to prevent reopening of tickets older than 1 hour as these would have by that point been synced with our PMS via our integration scripts.
Sorry, by Customer I actually meant my client who is using the SambaPOS.
How will i go about to test that the ticket is not for the current work period and prevent the user from using the “re-opening” automation command when displaying the the ticket from the Ticket Lister screen?
Opening a past ticket from the ticket lister shouldnt be an issue, the reopening of a closed ticket with the reopen closed ticket action would be the issue, so constraint that automation command executed rule.
There is likely a way to tap in to work period however Im not familier with that however if you say set a constraint using ticket state for status minutes report expression < 60 it would only allow reopening of a closed ticket for 1 hour so as long as you are closed for at least an hour between periods which is a presumption but generaly a safe one you can stop old tickets being reopened.
Can you please show or point me to how to use the:
Lol the amount of people reselling SambaPOS but do not know how to configure even basic features is mind numbing.
@Jesse Hi, I am more than willing to do a course or even pay for a proper manual to learn how everything works in this amazing software.
What do you mean with this comment, should I not resell the software? Or is this the wrong forum to learn what SambaPOS can and can not do? Where else can I learn more on how the configuration of SambaPOS works?
I’ve got the highest respect for you in this forum and learned a lot from your previous posts and tutorials over the last 12 months, but comment like this make me wonder if SambaPOS is worth reselling. I measure the success of software packages in its support, you can have the best product but if the support is non existing the software becomes redundant.
This is not a support forum though it is a cominuty forum, no one active on the forum is paid by samba, we are either users or resellers.
His comment may sound harsh but it is a reality that there are many resellers who sell to customer promising things they cant/dont know how to configure then come here demanding support instantly.
I dont want to directly question your ability but looking at your member stats they are quite lite for a ‘reseller’ having only opened 4 topics and posted 12 times.
But either way forgetting that, its not your position or question which causes anquish its the vaiguness of the question with little to demonstrait that you have actually tried to solve yourself.
Post some screenshots and explain where your stuck, there isnt much that cant be done in Samba but you need to remember that as far as this forum goes it is comunity powered and not a just samba support forum, its give and take.
You should be more active on the forum as a reseller, sharing new ideas and setups, post a few tutorials etc.
If you show more willing on the forum you will get more responces
@JTRTech, thank you for the detail response. the reason for the “lite” is because I get most of my answers and solutions in the forum. The only time i post or request help is when i am unable to find solution in the forum. This is the cashout entity screen that I’ve build from using the tutorials in this excellent forum.
I’ve started this post because the Work period button didn’t want to close. After long frustration I’ve figured out that there was an open ticket and I couldn’t understand where it came from. It was only much later that the user remembered that she actually re-opened the ticket to remove the TIP from the ticket, needless to say she only change the payment amount and didn’t remove the TIP from the ticket.
The challenge I dealing with is that the WP button did not counting this “unpaid” tickets, because of your explanation earlier in this post. (because the ticket is outside the current work period). Therefore I was just asking for some assistance or suggestions in how I can prevent the user from opening a ticket that is not in the current period.
I know I am still a novice in SambaPOS, and hope to improve my status soon. But for now I’ve never used or came across the “ticket state minutes report expression” and don’t know how it works e.g. what parameters to send or outcome/result to expect. Therefor the dumb question on how to apply this expression in the “Reopen Ticket Rule”. But i would still prefer a way to test if the Ticket is in the current work period or not because the payment corrections between cash and card payment types is mostly identified at the end of the shifts (during cash-up).
I’ve added this constrain but don’t know what to expect:
Start with a show message or ask question with your expression in it to check it is returning the value you expect and check what format it is in, ie you may need to TN() is in order to use lessthan/larger than constraint.
As for the rule, you would want it to cover the whole rule else the other actions will still try and fire.
Personally I would also add a message/ask question action with the oposite constraint giving a reason for nor happening ‘Ticket is older than 1 hour’ so the flow is understandable to the user.
You can do whatever you want to do. My statement was not directed at you in particular. The only people that lose in a situation where they buy something from a business that can not fully support it is the person that bought it.
My point is SambaPOS is riddled with people selling a software to people without fully understanding it or how to support it. This can eventually hurt SambaPOS because the end user may get frustrated with the lack of knowledge the person selling to them has and go with other solutions.
Part of being a reseller means you have researched and have a very strong grasp of the software you are reselling. The reseller is the support and you are responsible to build out your support system. You may just be caught in the crossfire with my comment because it looks like you are trying to learn. Often I see people resell the software without any understanding of it then they try to use the forum to support their clients…
Perhaps SambaPOS should have a certification process for Resellers.
100% agree with the certification process, this will only improve the integrity of this amazing peace of software.