I need a couple of constraints, here is what I tried.
This is for Action Constraints
If there are open tickets: '{TICKET STATE:Status}' != ''
If there are not open tickets: '{TICKET STATE:Status}' == ''
And If I was to create a line where I’m wanting to insert the number of open tickets? obviously it wont be: There are {TICKET STATE:Status} Open Tickets ?
I would think ‘{TICKET STATE:Status}’ != Paid’’ would interprit into, if Ticket state:Status does not equal Paid, the ticket is open. ELSE
‘{TICKET STATE:Status}’ == ‘Paid’ then it would be interpreted as If Ticket State: Status equal Paid, then ticket is closed.
That’s as far as i got.
So try putting Paid next to != and == and see if that works?
I’m creating a management button on the ticket screen which will give a popup to different management functions. One being End Work Period. I can get as far as it saying ‘Workperiod already closed’ and ‘are you sure you want to run work period’ but I’m making a message under that action with a constraint that if there are tickets open ‘ENDING WORK PERIOD FAILED’… because the action wouldn’t work anyway if there are tickets…
but I want a message under THAT that says ‘Work period End Success’ that will only show if there are no open tickets.
That ^ is used on this button which is on a Custom Workperiod Screen:
Entire Caption code for the button:
[='{SETTING:ISCURRENTWORKPERIODOPEN}'=='TRUE' ? '<panel Green>' : '<panel Red>']WorkPeriod is<linebreak/><b>[=('{SETTING:ISCURRENTWORKPERIODOPEN}'=='TRUE' ? 'OPEN' : 'CLOSED')]</b><linebreak/><linebreak/>[=TN('{REPORT TICKET COUNT:(TS.Status=Unpaid)}')>0 ? 'Cannot Close Workperiod with ' + TN('{REPORT TICKET COUNT:(TS.Status=Unpaid)}') + ' Open Tickets<linebreak/><linebreak/>Click here to see Open Tickets' : 'Click here to ' + ('{SETTING:ISCURRENTWORKPERIODOPEN}'=='TRUE' ? 'Close' : 'Open') + ' the WorkPeriod']</panel>
all working brill thanks. Used <1 for the constrasint to work if there are no open tickets.
1 question, ‘click here to see open tickets’ are you literally pointing them to the tickets screen? or is there a way you can make it took at just open tickets?
Arr yer your right, just we shut down at night, restarting samba defaults it to today open tickets.
You could use display ticket list action and filter by states I expect…