Covid-19 Economic Crisis How to handle it?

Hi there, here in mexico is hitting us hard, most of the restaurants dont have sales, and therefore i think it will be more hard to adquire new customer, any tips will be appreciate, If i can help with my personal experience please let me know.

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Think this will be the case across the board.
Recon best thing to do in quiet time is brush up on skills and be ready to push when everyone start to come back on the tail end of it.


I am signing restaurants up for online ordering. Either through GlobalFoods or Restajet. Online ordering and our delivery tracking options are very powerful sellers atm. Even if you cant get SambaPOS into the locations just yet you can hook them with online ordering and get SambaPOS in there later.


We must force our customers to online ordering. Please talk about this. We have integrations with GloriaFood / RestaJet and


Hey guys, hope you dont mind me answering in spanish, its my first language.

Hola Laura, asumo que hablas español ya que estas en México, como yo. Pues, te comparto que yo, tengo un restaurante, y lo que implementamos fue el activar tres lineas de telefono, sin embargo, no veiamos muchas ventas… Asi transcurrio la primer semana desde la contingencia. El dia domingo, mucho de nuestro producto estaba por caducar y se me ocurrio la idea de poner algunas promociones: ofrecimos en la compra de dos hamburguesas, dos refrescos, cortesia de la casa. Asi mismo, vendemos papas, alrrededor de 75 -85 la orden, pero en apoyo a los cliente y para que no se fueran a la basura, por descomposicion, las estamos ofreciendo 2 ordenes por 99 pesos.
Creo que si el cliente percibe que le regalas algo, o una buena oferta, funciona mucho mas que una cantidad de descuento…
Afortunadamente tenemos una buena respuesta por parte de nuestros clientes, claro, haciendolo publico y promocionandolo a traves de Facebook.


Hi, out of those 3 ordering platforms which one would you recommend?

Based on cost and smoothness of integration.

-Kern :slight_smile:

@Kern_Kapoor GloriaFood is free, you can try it first.

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I’ve used Gloriafood at my own restaurant for almost 3 years now. It’s been great. I also have it installed at 15 clients and they all love it.

All restaurants are closed in Turkey, takeaways and delivery departments of restaurants are still working so online ordering systems will be required. They are receiving orders from online ordering services like delivery hero, just eat but commission rates are very high. They will need their own system, web site, application and etc. Using social media for receiving orders is good idea.

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