Crash on opening ticket issue

Am trying to help someone out who gets;

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

On opening a ticket and a software crash.

Cannot copy and paste error report as C&P copies the other prompt box but is along these lines;

Exception has been thrown


Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Any advice greatly appreciated.

That does not tells what the error can be. Send me a backup.

Can you explain error reproducing steps? Ticket closes fine for me.

its opening the ticket that is only one open on table B1 from 23rd
has been used today, just that one ticket.

OK just saw your PM.

Somehow Null Customer assigned to ticket.

I think I saw that when looking in database, but there were other tickets with similar I think… so wasn’t sure if that was it.

You can correct it by deleting lines on TicketEntities table that have NULL value on EntityName column. However we should find how it happens.

There was a customer entity in the list (now called ‘blank’) which had no name?
Would this be a cause?

No we won’t allow creating Entities without name. That might be something else.

Edit: wow yes you have entity without a name. How it can be possible?

there was defiantly an entity in the batch entity editor which had no name…
I changed it to name of ‘blank’ as thought it was odd.

Entity creation code validates that. lol… This is really strange.

Whats the best way to fix the table for now?

FYI they were running .49 but first thing i did was update to check wasnt a fixed bug.

That part didn’t changed for a long time. does not relates with .49. Does it have any action that updates entities?

Nothing that I can see…

I couldn’t reproduce it for another ticket or entity. I’ll be glad hear if you notice something related.

Will keep an eye out.