Creating Accounting Transactions in Workflow

I am on my final legs and now need to consult the forum again.

I am trying to create some accounting which I have done before but have become a little stuck trying to establish Source/Target Accounts in workflow. Especially when I need to use Customer Account as an identifier for either Source or Target.

The workflow to create Accounting:

I get this:

But would like this Result (Sample Cash Payment to Account):

Here is Payment Type:

Here is Payment Type Document (as have only just selected Customer):

I am currently only creating 1 journal into Customer Account and effecting the balance which is great!
I would, however, like to create the opposite to say “Payments - Points” to represent Dollars that have been created from Reward Point Conversions.

All accounting is useful for KPI Metrics down the track.


  1. Why don’t we have {ACCOUNT NAME:x} tag for say use {ACCOUNT NAME:Customer}?
    NOTE: I have tried to use [=Data.Get(“AccountName”)] to retrieve Account Name but this always retuned blank.
  2. I have change the Transaction Type around - so I do need to remap it to the document screen each time I change it right?
  3. What is the best method to garnish Account Entity Name like “01234-John Brown” and save this against the Transaction? NOTE: I have just used the same format as I have nominated in the “Accounting - Entity setup”.
  4. I am currently using the Source & Target this way as it the only way I can save to Customer Account - and by using "*-1". Is this correct?

Looking forward to your replies and putting this baby to bed.

Hold the bus for a sec’ have some life!..:hourglass_flowing_sand: Found 1 mistake above…Still going.

Change my Account Type in the transaction document to match the default Source in my Transaction.

Journal result:

Outstanding Questions:

Full Reward Point System Implemented.
Think I am ready to tackle “Multiple Customer Accounts”!

That tag was added in v4. Not sure why it does not appear in the Printer Template Tag Help list.

Sheez - staring at it so long today could not just see the obvious missing word “ENTITY”! :open_mouth:
In my defense, I never have used V4…


Do you have plan to build the tutorial for this ?

Hi shmoulana
Yes I probably will, just need to run more tests in the rule debugger to ensure Rules are only fired once. May even use QMcKay’s tool under development for Tutorial building! :wink:

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