Credit Card Surcharge does not surcharge the owing amount but the total amount

Hi Guys and Girls,

I had created 3 buttons for credit card and eftpos transactions.
(Eftpos, 1.5% and 3.0%)

As i had a situation the other day where the customer made a deposit of $100.

Say the bill was $1100, and we take off $100 which leaves us with $1000.

When i press the surcharge button, the surcharge for 1.5% was $16.50

But 1.5% of $1000 is $15.00.

Is there anyway we can get the surcharge button to calculate based on the total owing amount instead of the grand total of the bill.

Thanks in advance, cheers

You should calculate it from {REMAINING TOTAL} instead of ticket total.

I am sure there is option how it’s calculated in Calculation types.

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If you do that wont it update to 0 when paid??

So your charging a surcharge for every payment? Instead of charging a single surcharge for total amount? But the surcharge reduces on every payment? What kind of charge is that?

I read it as split payment with charge on card and part payment on cash.

What do you mean here JTR?

By “won’t it update to 0 when paid”

Hi Jesse,

If i gave you the bill for $1100 but you left me with $100 deposit. The owing balance is $1000, you pass me your mastercard and i tell you there’s a surcharge of 1.5%. Therefore, we would charge $1015 on your credit card. But when i press the surcharge button of 1.5%, it calculates 1.5% of $1100 instead of the deducted amount of $1000.

I did stumble across a post last night by googling, it mention something about custom calculation types, but then i couldn’t find a thing about it.

I mean if you calculate using remaining balance after the final payment the surcharge might update to 0 meaning your accounts might be out

 because of the extra amount for no reason

Therefore won’t balance

So the solution would be 
 something that can calculate the surcharge but not place it on the system?

 something that’s a service surcharge button
 that calculated the current balance and 10% it?

What is the best way
 as the surcharge will still be added to the accounts anyway

If its an automation command as he said “button” it could be executed once?

@moomooboy how do you deal with deposits? Where do you credit and where do you debit these 100$ of deposit?

Your 3 “buttons” are payment types or account transaction documents?

If its an automation command as he said “button” it could be executed once?

Then i already have these buttons i guess.

@moomooboy how do you deal with deposits? Where do you credit and where do you debit these 100$ of deposit?

I just press the cash button, in theory a deposit is still cash.

Your 3 “buttons” are payment types or account transaction documents?

To be honest, I’m not the greatest configuration person. I’m still a newbie, therefore i don’t know if its a payment type or account transaction document type.

I think this is what you are looking for:

This is assuming you are using a Surcharge on the whole payment or last form of payment.

We’ll need to create a new Surcharge button, Create a “Update Ticket Calculation” action & a Display Payment Screen action, then use a rule to tie everything together.

Automation Commands:

Name: Surcharge
Button Header: Surcharge
Mappings: (Visibility Column) Payment

Action Name: Surcharge
Action Type: Update Ticket Calculation
Calculation Type: Surcharge
Amount: [:Amount]
Reset Ticket: [:Reset Ticket T/F]
Remove Calculation: [:Remove Calculation T/F]
Round Amount: [:Round Amount T/F]

! (This action may already be already been created, if so use that one)
Action name: Display Payment Screen
Balance Mode: Leave Blank
Display In Background: Leave Blank
Grouping Order State: Leave Blank


Rule Name: Surcharge
Event Name: Automation Command Executed
Add Custom Constraint: Automation Command Name Equals Surcharge
Actions: Surcharge x2 (search for Surcharge, right click in white results area, select “Display all Values”
Display Payment Screen


First Surcharge Action:
Constraint: {CALCULATION TOTAL:Surcharge} > 0
amount: Leave Blank
Reset Ticket T/F: Leave Blank
Remove Calculation T/F: True
Round Amount T/F: Leave Blank


This first Action will be used to remove the calculation from the ticket when a Surcharge calculation is present. We have to put it first, otherwise it would cancel out the Calculation amount, if we put it second.

Second Surcharge Action:
Constraint: {CALCULATION TOTAL:Surcharge} == ''
amount: [=F(TN(’{REMAINING TOTAL}’).15-TN(’{CALCULATION TOTAL:Surcharge}’).15,‘0.00’)]
–This option will directly fill in the Surcharge Calculation.
amount: [?Surcharge Amount;;[=F(TN(’{REMAINING TOTAL}’).15-TN(’{CALCULATION TOTAL:Surcharge}’).15,‘0.00’)];OCN]
–This option will give a pop-up window with the calculated amount with the ability to override with another amount.
Reset Ticket T/F: Leave Blank
Remove Calculation T/F: True
Round Amount T/F: Leave Blank

Display Payment Screen
Constraint: Leave Blank
(this is needed to refresh the screen to show the calculation on the ticket)

Clicking the Surcharge button will add the Surcharge Calculation. Clicking the Surcharge button again, will remove the calculation.

You will have 2 Surcharge buttons on the payment screen. If you want to remove your first Surcharge (original) button, go to Manage -> Tickets -> Calculation Selectors -> Surcharge (or the name you gave it) -> Mappings. Delete the mappings, (there should be no mappings listed). If you want to re-enable it, just re-map it.

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Thanks Bob!

Will check it out
 hopefully this is it!