Custom report expense accounts

hello everyone, im trying to create a report to see the expenses of the day so far i achive to understand how it works to see the expenses but i need to see also the account target

{ACCOUNT TRANSACTION DETAILS:Transaccion Pago Proveedores:Efectivo}
Total||{ACCOUNT TRANSACTION TOTAL:Transaccion Pago Proveedores:Efectivo}

{ACCOUNT TRANSACTION DETAILS:Transaccion Pago Gastos:Efectivo}
Total||{ACCOUNT TRANSACTION TOTAL:Transaccion Pago Gastos:Efectivo}

{ACCOUNT TRANSACTION DETAILS:Transaccion Pago Servicios:Efectivo}
Total||{ACCOUNT TRANSACTION TOTAL:Transaccion Pago Servicios:Efectivo}

{ACCOUNT TRANSACTION DETAILS:Transaccion Pago Sueldos:Efectivo}
Total||{ACCOUNT TRANSACTION TOTAL:Transaccion Pago Sueldos:Efectivo}

{ACCOUNT TRANSACTION DETAILS:Transaccion Pago Impuestos:Efectivo}
Total||{ACCOUNT TRANSACTION TOTAL:Transaccion Pago Impuestos:Efectivo}

also i need a line with the total of all the acounts transaction