Custom Report TAG question

I have an Customer Entity data Field called Distance

when I use report tags like {REPORT TICKET DETAILS:EC.Customers.Distance} it works great, but as soon as I try this {REPORT TICKET DETAILS:EC.Customers.Distance.Sum} I get a NULL

Would it be possible to have the SUM tag to work with custom entity data?

Or, as allways, I am doing something wrong? (I think this may be the case…)



Hmm yes sum may not work with entity custom fields in ticket details report.

ok… so…

come on… the suspense is killing me…



What is the field type? Is it set to number? Is there a number option for field type… Sure default is string. Wouldn’t be that would it? Handeling as a string rather than a number? Like having to use TN()!

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Its a Number…


Not sure then, its custom field data so will be stored in JSON in the table so not easiest to get at with SQL, would need to use script in some way unless emre can impliment something.

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With SQL Express 2016 it wouldn’t be that hard considering it supports js style json queries.

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True ;-)…