Custom Report Tax total issue

This is my first time participating in samba forum as I found it very helpful.

I am building a custom closing report.


The code I am using

[Sales:1.5, 1.5, 1, 2, 1.5, 1.5, 1,1.5]
>Day|Time|Ticket No.|Sale|Discount|Net Sales|Tax
{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:T.Date, T.Time, T.TicketNumber,TN.TotalAmount, CA.Discount,=[TN.TotalAmount] + [CA.Discount],=([TN.TotalAmount] + [CA.Discount])*'0.05'}
>||Total |{REPORT PAYMENT TOTAL:(PT=Cash) OR (PT=Credit Card)}|{REPORT CALCULATION TOTAL:(CT=Discount)}|  |  

I am unable to calculate total for discount and tax. Please guide me if anyone has solution for this problem.
Tax is 5%.
Thanks and advance

Your not using an actual tax template for tax?

I am…

This is what I am using