Custom Sales Report HELP!

Hello i have the following custom report :

[Raport Productie:6, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]
>Denumire Prod.|U/M|Cant.|Pret in|Pret out|Pret in TOT|Pret out TOT|Rata 
{REPORT COST DETAILS:[C.Name],C.PortionName,C.Quantity.Sum,[([C.Cost]*[C.Quantity]).Sum]/[C.Quantity.Sum],[([C.AvgPrice]*[C.Quantity]).Sum]/[C.Quantity.Sum],[([C.Cost]*[C.Quantity]).Sum],[([C.AvgPrice]*[C.Quantity]).Sum],[($7-$6)/$6];%##.00;-%##.00;}
>Total| |{REPORT COST DETAILS:C.Quantity.Sum:C.Cost}| | |{REPORT COST DETAILS:[([C.Cost]*[C.Quantity]).Sum],[([C.AvgPrice]*[C.Quantity]).Sum],[($2-$1)/$1];%##.00:}

And here is how i want it to actually be. THis report is almost correct but i need it slightly different


So you don’t want a profit report right?

Right, i just want my report to exclude the products that was sold with 0$.

IS there a simple way i can do that ?