Customer Cashback Setup Scenario

I have worked for days trying to setup Cashback scenario. I followed SambaCard tutorial and Fidelity Card forum from SambaPOS V3, but I am not able to setup this scenario properly.

I would like to add a Cashback field to Customer Account. Cashback field should be updated each time a Customer Account is selected and an order is placed. Cashback field is updated by adding 5% of Ticket Total. Cashback should not be included with daily Sales, but it should be a transaction by itself.

In addition, Cashback earned will be used to Settle (Pay) for new orders by selecting Customer Account in Payment Screen. Customer Account payment should be enabled if there is a positive balance on Credit, Debit or Cashback field.

Your time and help is very much appreciated.

I just need the same, the problem with sambacard is the manually add funds, i preferred an automatic 5 or 3% of the ticket total, someone please help, thanks in advance.

OK I’ll prepare a tutorial about it soon.

Follow up:

1 Beğeni

ive got an error:

“Check Database Version”

Im in version SambaPOS4

Download latest SambaPOS 4 update please.

ok, works perfect, but now, how can i integrate it to my database?

This database is just an example. You can’t directly merge it with your database. You can review settings and implement it manually according to your needs. I’ll also post step by step instructions soon.

ok, i just wait for the tutorial , thanks a lot.

Testing the SambaCard example I notice that:

-If some customer don’t pay at the moment and i send the total amount to his account in customer account, when he returns and pay, the system don’t send the 5% credit to his samba card account.

Works great. Thanks you very much for your assistance.

@jmanuel we configured SambaPOS rules to give %5 promotion for only Cash Payments. If you need to make it work for late payments you’ll need additional configuration.

I’m really exited waiting for the tutorial.

How did you get it to work? I’ve copied all the settings to mine and it doesn’t give the clients the rewards.