Customer Loyality points/balance monthly report

Is there any documentation explaining what the :::$4!=0 is doing?
I want to try understand as much as I can so I can start contributing to this community rather than just asking for help all the time

Also why does removing Address or Phone break this?
I dont need the address and If i remove it it shows all entities with 0 balance.

[Customers:1, 1] {REPORT ENTITY DETAILS:E.Name,E.Balance.sum:(ET=Customers) && E.AccountId>0:::$4!=0}

But his works
[Customers:1,1,1, 1] {REPORT ENTITY DETAILS:E.Name,EC.anything,EC.anything2,E.Balance.sum:(ET=Customers) && E.AccountId>0:::$4!=0}

$4 !=0 means that column 4 which is E.Balance.sum does not equal 0

So if you remove address then all of sudden $4 is not valid…

Ok thanks that explains my previous question also because balance is now in column 2

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Can I ask what the three ::: are for.
Is this a generic syntax used when specifying column number?

No its specific syntax for the REPORT tags but leaving it blank means its not being used. Ill have to look up the various options give me a minute.

This is a quote from a thread Emre made but I copy pasted it here instead of quote so it would show the sections correctly.

{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:EN.Officer,O.Quantity.Sum::{0}:,}

So we have 5 sections here

  1. Tag Name.
  2. Fields.
  3. Expression (left empty)
  4. Line format (as we have only {0} first field displayed. We use that feature on data export templates.)
  5. Line delimiter. (,) means all lines delimited with , char.

As it is also a reporting tag it displays only values exists in reporting rage. Good for this sample but might be a disadvantage for some cases.


So your tag is leaving Line Format, Line delimiter empty and then its adding the $4!=0 expression which is probably new since that last explanation was made.

To make it easy to remember I’ve configured line delimiter char (1 letter) as always last section of the format after expression. So both {XX:F.Field:::$4>0:,} and {XX:F.Field::,} are valid.


A post was split to a new topic: Custom Entity Screen show Customer Balance