Customer Purchase History Reporting


##Purchase History

##Purchase History [0] (Report)##

Report Name: Purchase History
Page Size: 15cm
Display in Report Explorer: checked
Visual Printing: unchecked


[$1 Purchase History:2,1, 1, 1, 1]
>>Customer: $2|ID: $5|$3|$4|
>Item|Portion| Qty| Price| Total


##SQL - @@PurchaseHistory

##PurchaseHistory [@@PurchaseHistory] (SQL)##

Script Name: PurchaseHistory
Script Handler: @@PurchaseHistory


-- PARM for Entity Type
declare @EntityType varchar(20)  = '@1'
-- PARM for Entity Name
declare @EntityName varchar(20)  = '@2'
-- PARM for Date Filter Start
declare @StartDateIn varchar(25) = '@3'
-- PARM for Date Filter End
declare @EndDateIn varchar(25)   = '@4'
-- PARM for Entity Id
declare @EntityId varchar(20)    = '@5'

-- if Entity Type is invalid, set default as 'Customers'
IF (@EntityType = '') OR (@EntityType is null) OR (@EntityType = '$1') SET @EntityType = 'Customers'

-- if Date Filter START is invalid, set default to beginning of Current Month
IF (@StartDateIn = '') OR (@StartDateIn is null) OR (@StartDateIn = '$3') SET @StartDateIn = left(CONVERT(VARCHAR(25), GETDATE(), 126),7)+'-01T00:00:00'

-- if Date Filter END is invalid, set a default
IF (@EndDateIn = '') OR (@EndDateIn is null) OR (@EndDateIn = '$4') SET @EndDateIn  = dateadd(Month,1,@StartDateIn)

-- set START and END date for Report Period
declare @StartDate datetime = convert(varchar(25),@StartDateIn,126)
declare @EndDate datetime = convert(varchar(25),@EndDateIn,126)
declare @EndDateInc datetime = convert(varchar(25),dateadd(day,-1,@EndDate),126)

,sum([Quantity]) as [Qty]
,(sum([Quantity])*[Price]) as [ItemTotal]

,e.[Name] as [EntityName]
,([Price] * [Quantity]) as [ItemTotal]
,left(convert(varchar(30),[CreatedDateTime],126),10) as [Date]
FROM [Orders] o
JOIN [Tickets] tkt on tkt.[Id] = o.[TicketId]
JOIN [TicketEntities] te on te.[Ticket_Id] = tkt.[Id]
JOIN [EntityTypes] et on et.[Id] = te.[EntityTypeId] and et.[Name] = @EntityType
JOIN [Entities] e on e.[Id] = te.[EntityId]
and e.[Name] = @EntityName
and e.[Id] = @EntityId
and o.[CreatedDateTime] >= @StartDate
and o.[CreatedDateTime] <  @EndDate
--ORDER BY o.[TicketId], o.[CreatedDateTime]

) allorders


 [Qty] desc
, [MenuItemName]

:bulb: To exclude Void and Gift Orders from the Purchase history, modify the WHERE portion of the above SQL as such:

and e.[Name] = @EntityName
and e.[Id] = @EntityId
and o.[CreatedDateTime] >= @StartDate
and o.[CreatedDateTime] <  @EndDate
and o.[CalculatePrice]  =  1 -- EXCLUDE Void and Gift Items

##SQL - @@PurchaseHistoryTTL

##PurchaseHistoryTTL [@@PurchaseHistoryTTL] (SQL)##

Script Name: PurchaseHistoryTTL
Script Handler: @@PurchaseHistoryTTL


-- PARM for Entity Type
declare @EntityType varchar(20)  = '@1'
-- PARM for Entity Name
declare @EntityName varchar(20)  = '@2'
-- PARM for Date Filter Start
declare @StartDateIn varchar(25) = '@3'
-- PARM for Date Filter End
declare @EndDateIn varchar(25)   = '@4'
-- PARM for Entity Id
declare @EntityId varchar(20)    = '@5'

-- if Entity Type is invalid, set default as 'Customers'
IF (@EntityType = '') OR (@EntityType is null) OR (@EntityType = '$1') SET @EntityType = 'Customers'

-- if Date Filter START is invalid, set default to beginning of Current Month
IF (@StartDateIn = '') OR (@StartDateIn is null) OR (@StartDateIn = '$3') SET @StartDateIn = left(CONVERT(VARCHAR(25), GETDATE(), 126),7)+'-01T00:00:00'

-- if Date Filter END is invalid, set a default
IF (@EndDateIn = '') OR (@EndDateIn is null) OR (@EndDateIn = '$4') SET @EndDateIn  = dateadd(Month,1,@StartDateIn)

-- set START and END date for Report Period
declare @StartDate datetime = convert(varchar(25),@StartDateIn,126)
declare @EndDate datetime = convert(varchar(25),@EndDateIn,126)
declare @EndDateInc datetime = convert(varchar(25),dateadd(day,-1,@EndDate),126)

,sum([TotalAmount]) as [TotalAmount]
FROM [Tickets] tkt
JOIN [TicketEntities] te on te.[Ticket_Id] = tkt.[Id]
JOIN [Entities] e on e.[Id] = te.[EntityId]
and e.[Id] = @EntityId
and [Date] >= @StartDate
and [Date] <  @EndDate


#Entity Screen - definition

##Purchase History [Customers] (Entity Screen)##

Name: Purchase History
Ticket Type: Ticket
View Mode: Custom
Search Value Replace Pattern:
Background Image:
Background Color: #00FFFFFF
Use State Display Format: unchecked
Column Count: 0
Row Count: 0
Button Height: 0
Page Count: 1
Font Size: 50
Header Button Font Size: 0
Entity List (0)
Entity Type: Customers
Display State:
State Filter:
Entities: (none)
Details Template (none)(none)
Mappings (1)
Terminal User Role Department Ticket Type Visibility

#Entity Screen - Widgets

##PH Purchase History [Custom Report Viewer] (Widget)##
Entity Screen: Purchase History

###Properties (13):###

Widget Type: Custom Report Viewer
Name: PH Purchase History
X: 70
Y: 0
Height: 480
Width: 595
Zindex: 0
Angle: 0
Scale: 0
Corner Radius: 0
Auto Refresh: checked
Auto Refresh Interval: 0

###Settings (5):###

Border Color: #FF494429
Report Name: Purchase History
Setting Mappings:
Zoom: 0

##PH Entity Search [Entity Search] (Widget)##
Entity Screen: Purchase History

###Properties (13):###

Widget Type: Entity Search
Name: PH Entity Search
X: 670
Y: 65
Height: 415
Width: 500
Zindex: 0
Angle: 0
Scale: 0
Corner Radius: 0
Auto Refresh: checked
Auto Refresh Interval: 0

###Settings (12):###

Automation Command Name:
Can Create Entity: unchecked
Can Display Account: unchecked
Can Edit Entity: unchecked
Command Area Height: 0
Command Area Rows: 0
Command Buttons: Show Purchase History=PH Load Report
Command Value: {ENTITY ID}
Entity Type Name: Customer
Is Keyboard Visible: unchecked
Search Label:
State Filter Name:

##PH DateBEG Label [Label Widget] (Widget)##
Entity Screen: Purchase History

###Properties (13):###

Widget Type: Label Widget
Name: PH DateBEG Label
X: 671
Y: 0
Height: 55
Width: 160
Zindex: 0
Angle: 0
Scale: 0
Corner Radius: 0
Auto Refresh: checked
Auto Refresh Interval: 0

###Settings (13):###

Alignment: Left
Background Color: Transparent
Border Color: #FFF79646
Border Thickness: 1
Font Name: Segoe UI
Font Size: 12
Font Weight: Normal
Foreground Color: #FFF79646
Text: Date Start: {SETTING:PHDateBEG}
Vertical Alignment: Top

##PH DateEND Label [Label Widget] (Widget)##
Entity Screen: Purchase History

###Properties (13):###

Widget Type: Label Widget
Name: PH DateEND Label
X: 836
Y: 0
Height: 55
Width: 160
Zindex: 0
Angle: 0
Scale: 0
Corner Radius: 0
Auto Refresh: checked
Auto Refresh Interval: 0

###Settings (13):###

Alignment: Left
Background Color: Transparent
Border Color: #FFF79646
Border Thickness: 1
Font Name: Segoe UI
Font Size: 12
Font Weight: Normal
Foreground Color: #FFF79646
Text: Date End: {SETTING:PHDateEND}
Vertical Alignment: Top

##PH DateBEG Input [Editor Widget] (Widget)##
Entity Screen: Purchase History

###Properties (13):###

Widget Type: Editor Widget
Name: PH DateBEG Input
X: 676
Y: 21
Height: 30
Width: 150
Zindex: 5
Angle: 0
Scale: 0
Corner Radius: 0
Auto Refresh: checked
Auto Refresh Interval: 0

###Settings (6):###

Command Name:
Edit Mask:
Font Size: 0
Local Setting Name: PHDateBEG
Refreshing Widgets: PH DateBEG Label

##PH DateEND Input [Editor Widget] (Widget)##
Entity Screen: Purchase History

###Properties (13):###

Widget Type: Editor Widget
Name: PH DateEND Input
X: 841
Y: 21
Height: 30
Width: 150
Zindex: 5
Angle: 0
Scale: 0
Corner Radius: 0
Auto Refresh: checked
Auto Refresh Interval: 0

###Settings (6):###

Command Name:
Edit Mask:
Font Size: 0
Local Setting Name: PHDateEND
Refreshing Widgets: PH DateEND Label

#Automation Command

##PH Purchase History [Navigation] (Automation Command)##

Name: PH Purchase History
Category: Navigation
Button Header: Purchase\rHistory
Color: #FFC0504D
Font Size: 26
Confirmation: None
Values (0): (none)
Navigation Settings
Auto Refresh: 0
Tile Cache: 0
Navigation Module:
Nav Module Parameter:
Template: ```


<summary><b><u>Mappings</u></b></summary><table><tr><td><b>Terminal</b> </td><td><b>User Role</b> </td><td><b>Department</b> </td><td><b>Ticket Type</b> </td><td><b>Enabled States</b> </td><td><b>Visible States</b> </td><td><b>Visibility</b> </td></tr><tr><td><code>*</code></td><td><code>*</code></td><td><code>*</code></td><td><code>*</code></td><td><code>*</code></td><td><code>*</code></td><td><code>Display on Navigation</code></td></tr></table></details>



##PH Exec AMC [Execute Automation Command] (Action)##

Action Name: PH Exec AMC
Action Type: Execute Automation Command
Automation Command Name: [:AMCname]
Command Value: [:AMCvalue]
Background: False
Delay: 0

##PH Navigate [Navigate Module] (Action)##

Action Name: PH Navigate
Action Type: Navigate Module
Module Name: Entity
Parameter: [:screenName]
Hide Header: True

##PH Refresh Custom Report Widget [Refresh Custom Report Widget] (Action)##

Action Name: PH Refresh Custom Report Widget
Action Type: Refresh Custom Report Widget
Widget Name: [:widgetName]
Report Name: [:reportName]
Report Parameters: [:reportParms]
Date Filter: [:dateFilter]

##PH Store Setting [Update Program Setting] (Action)##

Action Name: PH Store Setting
Action Type: Update Program Setting
Setting Name: [:settingName]
Setting Value: [:settingValue]
Update Type: Update
Is Local: True


##PH Set Report Parameters [Automation Command Executed] (Rule)##

Rule Name: PH Set Report Parameters
Event Name: Automation Command Executed
Rule Tags:
Custom Constraint List (1):
Execute Rule if: Matches
Automation Command NameEqualsPH Set Report Parameters

##Actions (7):##

PH Store Setting

Constraint: ‘[:CommandValue]’ == ‘’

settingName: PHEntityId
settingValue: {REPORT SQL DETAILS:SELECT TOP 1 e.[Id] FROM [Entities] e JOIN [EntityTypes] et on et.[Id]=e.[EntityTypeId] WHERE et.[Name]='Customers' ORDER BY e.[Id]:F.Id}
PH Store Setting

Constraint: ‘[:CommandValue]’ != ‘’

settingName: PHEntityId
settingValue: [:CommandValue]
PH Store Setting

Constraint: ‘[:CommandValue]’ == ‘’

settingName: PHEntityName
settingValue: {REPORT SQL DETAILS:SELECT e.[Name] FROM [Entities] e WHERE e.[Id]='{SETTING:PHEntityId}':F.Name}
PH Store Setting

Constraint: ‘[:CommandValue]’ != ‘’

settingName: PHEntityName
settingValue: {REPORT SQL DETAILS:SELECT e.[Name] FROM [Entities] e WHERE e.[Id]='[:CommandValue]':F.Name}
PH Store Setting

Constraint: ‘{SETTING:PHDateBEG}’ == ‘’

settingName: PHDateBEG
settingValue: [='{DATE:yyyy-MM}'+'-01']
PH Store Setting

Constraint: ‘{SETTING:PHDateEND}’ == ‘’

settingName: PHDateEND
settingValue: [=ADM('{DATE:yyyy-MM}'+'-01',1)]
PH Store Setting

Constraint: ‘{SETTING:PHDateEND}’ == ‘’

settingName: PHDateEND
settingValue: [='{:PHDateEND}'.substr(0,10)]


Terminal User Role Department Ticket Type

##PH Load Report [Automation Command Executed] (Rule)##

Rule Name: PH Load Report
Event Name: Automation Command Executed
Rule Tags:
Custom Constraint List (2):
Execute Rule if: Matches
Automation Command NameEqualsPH Load Report
Automation Command NameEqualsPH Load Report from Account Statement (optional)

##Actions (3):##


Constraint: (none)

AMCname: PH Set Report Parameters
AMCvalue: [:CommandValue]
PH Navigate (optional)

Constraint: ‘[:AutomationCommandName]’ == ‘PH Load Report from Account Statement’

screenName: Purchase History
PH Refresh Custom Report Widget

Constraint: (none)

widgetName: PH Purchase History
reportName: Purchase History
reportParms: Customers,{SETTING:PHEntityName},{SETTING:PHDateBEG},{SETTING:PHDateEND},{SETTING:PHEntityId}


Terminal User Role Department Ticket Type

##PH Show Purchase History Screen [Automation Command Executed] (Rule)##

Rule Name: PH Show Purchase History Screen
Event Name: Automation Command Executed
Rule Tags:
Custom Constraint List (1):
Execute Rule if: Matches
Automation Command NameEqualsPH Purchase History

##Actions (3):##


Constraint: (none)

AMCname: PH Set Report Parameters
PH Navigate

Constraint: (none)

screenName: Purchase History
PH Refresh Custom Report Widget

Constraint: (none)

widgetName: PH Purchase History
reportName: Purchase History
reportParms: Customers,{SETTING:PHEntityName},{SETTING:PHDateBEG},{SETTING:PHDateEND},{SETTING:PHEntityId}


Terminal User Role Department Ticket Type


#DB Tools

Database Tools File:

PH Customer Purchase (3.9 KB)


Tutorial modified to simplify setup:

  • REMOVED JScript function: ent.getEntityNameById()
  • CHANGED Rule: PH Set Report Parameters
  • 2 Actions using {CALL:ent.getEntityNameById()} changed to use {REPORT SQL DETAILS:X}

You are awesome! Thanks a lot QMcKay. It would be imposible for me to do that!!
I will follow the tutorial and came back with the results!
Best regards!

Thanks. I made some modifications to simplify it further. See the Update Post above:

I think it would be nice if a Report Tag Guru could develop something to replace the SQL Scripts as well (@@PurchaseHistory and @@PurchaseHistoryTTL).

Any takers? @Jesse do you think it is possible?

1 Like

I followed everything but im not sure how to put the same action (PH Store Setting) 7 times in the same rule.
Sorry if i missed something. I read the tutorial three times and i guess im not missing anything.
Thanks again!

Nevermind! I find this.

Sorry to bother!

Well, i made everything as you said and its working perfect!!
Thanks a lot for your help Q!


What should i do with this DB Tools text file???

Sure Q I’ll work on some reports.

You import it into SambaPOS using Database Tools Import function:

Manage > Settings > Database Tools > Tools > Import from File

Ok @qmckay I am looking at the reports now ill post an update after a while.

PS: This is good practice its a rather complex use of Custom Reports Tags typically its nearly impossible to use specific dates with it but I have an idea.

1 Like

@QMcKay one issue is how to set the date. I can use O.CreatedDateTime or O.LasteUpdateDateTime field but the setting would have to match that format. So I am trying to theorize how to convert the input from Editor widget to that exact format without script. I know masks can be used but I thought that might not be ideal it would be better to allow people to enter their own format.

I think either Date/Time would work just as well for our purpose. They are both Datetime data-format.

For the time-being, if you have the Report Tag syntax, I wouldn’t mind seeing what it looks like… we can work from there to try to put date filters in.

Let me test it see if it works. I am just going to enter some static stuff first.

1 Like