Daily order quantity report for each menu item group

I struggle with a simple report: I want to report order quantities for each day and for each menu item group.
What I have so far (not much):

[Denní položky:1, 1]
{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:O.Date,O.Quantity.Sum:(ODI=True) && (MG=Kuchyn)}

which returns:


This is exactly what I need. Now I need to add more columns for another Order Menu Item Groups (Pizza, Bar etc.). Any hints on this please?

Sorry if this is a noob question, I’ve always struggled with reports. I believe I’ve got quite a background but I never understood a single report expression although I spent hours on forums trying :slight_smile:

Thank you

Think you will struggle with that layout of table.

Are you looking for a sales breakdown report?

What do you mean by layout struggle?
All I need is a table with a date in the first column followed by number of Pizza’s, Bar and kitchen orders in the next columns…

I can create such a table for one item groups (any of them but only a single one at a time) as I showed above.

So the question is - how do I add a next column to the table to show e.g. Pizza orders (which can be reported like this):

{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:O.Date,O.Quantity.Sum:(ODI=True) && (MG=Pizza)}

If I were you I would assign date as an order state to every new order.

You can make a nice horizontal breakdown of what happened on which date

This is how it looks like for my categories per hour

I mean you will struggle to create that layout.
It may be posible.
If it is you would need to have the report repeated in the row with pipe | char to split columns.
However you are going to need to find if/how to force 0 for dates without a result as reports skip null lines and this would cause issue as columns wouldnt have equal rows.
Report typiclally are structured with @list and $1 merge var to sync up rows, never seen a report with an @date list and I would imagine a ticket date =$1 expression.
May be posible but cant recall anyone achieving such a layout.

Ive tried it before and @listing of time or dates cant work with using $1 expressions, best way to achieve it is either SQL report or adding dates in whatever format you prefer for orders as an order state.

Using report tags with such order states is very flexible.

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You can get what you want with a pivot table. Look up pivot tables in the KB. Very cool underutilized feature.

Thank you for your suggestions.

Assigning a date as an order state is not a solution for me because I want to make these reports for the past 5 years. I also don’t want to add unnecessary automation as we’re having some performance issues.

Will look into the pivot tables.