{DATE} woes :Sadface:

Using my old tiill system for my new business selling fudge. Thought it would be perfect to create stickers automatically.

Ive pretty much got it all running, but I feel like a complete newbie, I havent done anything custom to Samba for coming up 3 years. All i want to do is display the {DATE} but with 14 days added? I thought it was {{DATE:dd/mm/yyyy}+14} but obviously im wrong cos that shows 30/03/2021+14 lol

Help would be appreciated


This is what you need, it will add 14 days onto todays date



Thanks RickH, absolutely couldnt work that out.

Appreciate that


no probs, i used my age restricted rule and changed it and it worked 1st time haha, probably a fluke i did it first time lol

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