Default state of reservation list

We use the reservation system provided in Sambapos, but have been unable to figure out how to change the default presentation from this

To this

The problem we have is that staff seem unable to understand that they need to open the date dropdown to see the reservations and consequently, we are missing reservations. Can somebody tell me how to get this to show all the reservations, i.e. date dropdowns activated, as the default condition?
I understand the basis of this is the Reservation List report i.e.


{REPORT OPEN TASK DETAILS:TSC.Name,TSC.Phone,TSC.Table,TSC.Pax,TSC.Date,TSC.Time,T.Content,T.Identifier,TSC.TicketId,TSC.Amount,T.State:(TST=Reservation)}

but I don’t see how to change the default display status

You can open all the grouping how you wish to see it and then you can right click > Save Changes. Normally it sticks even when open the app again

Thanks very much for the proposed solution, unfortunately, it didn’t work but did point me in the right direction. I hadn’t realised that there was a right click menu when the widget wasn’t in design mode, but your answer showed me there is and in it we have View Editor and Grid Editor which allow a vast range of options. My particular requirement is achieved by selection of Grid Editor > Options Behavior >AutoExpandAllGroups then select the checkbox.