Delete the store but not the amount of stock

I would cancel the store but not the amount of stock. I tried with various sql query but is reset everything.

Show your query you tried?

DELETE FROM [TicketEntities];

DELETE FROM [Tickets];

DELETE FROM [AccountTransactionDocuments];

DELETE FROM [AccountTransactions];

DELETE FROM [AccountTransactionValues];

DELETE FROM [Calculations];

DELETE FROM [CostItems];


DELETE FROM [PaidItems];

DELETE FROM [PeriodicConsumptionItems];

DELETE FROM [PeriodicConsumptions];

DELETE FROM [ProductTimerValues];

DELETE FROM [Payments];

UPDATE [Numerators] SET Number = 0;

UPDATE [EntityStateValues] SET EntityStates = ‘[{“S”:“Available”,“SN”:“Status”}]’ Where EntityStates like ‘%Status%’;

I removed everything that could affect the stock

that should work. Unless your trying to do something different. If you sell 5 x product you want it to still show 5x product less in inventory but delete records of sales?

If that’s the case then you can’t.

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If your trying to hide sales records then it’s best to not use sambapos and just write tickets on paper and write stock into a notebook. Then you can choose what to write down or not.


Well what a dilemma… spanky is one of our first community members, have great SambaPOS experience so I want to help but what he asked for is not SambaPOS designed to do.

I don’t think he needs to hide sales because they use fiscal printers for everything they print. That should be something related with reporting or something similar. I’ve answered via PM not to publish that but I can’t guarantee it will work without issues or support any requests related with that. If it is really about hiding sales… as @Jesse suggested I’ll also recommend not to use SambaPOS at all because SambaPOS designed to register all data.