Ive got that message do not enter sambapos
Can you put those script files into a zip file and private message them to me so I can look at them for you?
ok thx i send it private
Dear @kendash it works fine now… i think i mistake when query the script… i deleted databese and created again and query… Now works fine… thx a lot your help and patience… there are lots of thing to learn…
Now my accounts and delivery ticket lister works faster… that is exactly what i wanted… and before i had problem with my ticket lister one… you guys suggest me to convert database to sql… Below the picture; ticket lister 1 there are tickets long time, i can not delete them,settle them, they stucked on ticket lister 1… what i need to do?
Ok let me look at them.
PS wife just sat down on my computer so give me a few minutes.
OK Simple fix. Add an item to the order close it. Reopen it void the item and close ticket.
EDIT: But that leaves one of them still there. I am looking into it…
EDIT: It was ticket # 226 and it still is in waiting state. I will give instructions how to fix it one moment.
EDIT: Somehow that ticket does not have a ticket type assigned.
OK @marannorama you need to go into MSSMS left click on Tickets table and select new query then run this query.
UPDATE [Tickets] SET
[TicketTypeId]=(select [Id] from [TicketTypes]
where [Name]='Delivery Ticket')
WHERE [Id]=(select [Id] from [Tickets]
where [TicketNumber]=226)
That fixes the ticket type after you run that query go to your Ticket Viewer an set the filter to Ticket Number and type 226 in the box on right press refresh to pull up ticket 226
Open that ticket… use your reopen closed ticket button and resettle payment. That will fix your issue.
@kendash you are awesome, u are genuis… Thxx a lotttt…