Disable selling if stock is empty


I appologize if this answer exists (i didn’t found anything similar).
I need a solution to disable product button (or to disable sell transaction) if the product inventory is Zero.

So the idea is that we have a pre-defined inventory and when a product (example Coke Zero) reaches zero quantity, we don’t want to be selled anymore. After we buy (make a new transaction) another 10 pcs (of Coke 0) we want to enable selling.

Any idea, or work-around is appreciated. Thanks!

You would have more options in v5 of ways to do something like what your asking.
Have not used inventory in any of my systems yet so not 100% sure what options would work in v4 but have seem few similar options in v5.

Saw a use of the ticket shell title to display stock levels.
Also sure I saw a conditional format for the menu item button header which used panel formatting to change the button colour.

There may be more solutions.
You could also look to have ask question message if stock is 0

I haven’t see anyone with an option to disable the menu button for any setup so don’t think that will be possible. Especially in v4

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i use the new inventory tags to display low stock level warnings and to do stock checks, you could use these to add a constraint to the order added rule whereby the inventory item has balance greater than zero, and couple this with another message saying the item is not in stock.ran out.

This is something extra im goign to add to my bar setup but havent got round to it yet, im fairly certain you would need V5 i dont think the inventory tags were introduced to V4

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Hey @RickH

Would you mind giving me a heads up on which TAGS and how you are using them?
I thinking LOW warning to custom widgets or reports.
Thanks Paul.

This tag is what your looking for.

Additional Inventory Related tags here

Hey @Jesse suprised your up!
Thanks I just found that thread, I suppose <warehouse name> is mandatory? Wondering how it would work with warehouse deployment - assume you just use “local”?

Not sure what you mean by deployment?

If you only have default warehouse i.e. Local Warehouse.

You still need to put warehouse name so it would be Local Warehouse… Local Warehouse is just a name you could name it anything… Emre was nice and created a default one for you he was even nicer and created a basic setup for people. He could have left it completely blank :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s my low level warning rule

This is a stock level balance enquiry, after adding an order to the ticket, select it and press stock level button

im also going to look at an automation that doesnt involve adding the product to the ticket, instead just press the stock level button and scan the barcode :slightly_smiling:

and this is my screen when an item is added with inventory level 5 or below


Sensational! :grinning:
I was wondering how this could be expanded @RickH to Report only ALL “Low Stock” as to retrieve all items under a certain Level?

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Ummm I might put in a request for this after a have an attempt on Reporting. @RickH I notice you have a {ITEM TAG:Inventory Name} - did you have to create a Custom Product Tag for this to work so you could use parameters?

yea thats what I did, product name is the same as inventory name, so when selecting the order on the screen and then pressing stock level button it uses the {ITEM TAG:Inventory Name} to get the requires stock level as this name is the same as the inventory item

Wow, that’s a solid exercise - especially if you have a big Inventory List. I know I am going to get “told” on this but I going to try and ask for a few little twinks on Inventory.

Also with your Barcoding, don’t forget you can reference a {SETTING:x} in a report :wink: I am almost thinking of 1 gazzion “settings” to get around this stuff! I wonder if there is a limit…

Yea i had a quick play with SETTING and with adding another product tag called barcode but i cant get it to associate the scanned barcode with the inventory item so it can then display the stock level.

I can only get the setup to work when a product is added to a ticket and then selected, im not sure what im trying to do is possible outside a ticket as ideally i dont want to automate it by adding a product to the ticket and then automatically remove it.

Ive not really thought about it at lot, just had a quick play and its 1.15am here so its time for bed lol

Thank you @RickH, this was the solution I’ve been waiting for. Thanks!