Discount on the total number of positive

when in a template, add {DISCOUNT TOTAL} when in a template, add
a formula or is there a way to get him out positive?

Something like [=F(0-TN('{DISCOUNT TOTAL}'))] ?

thanks emre,
There are many settings that you do not know.
why this function takes away the negative?
I would like to know the formatting,
example, instead of 1.30 €, I want 1.3

We have some examples here on Expressions part.

in the guide can not figure out how to format the numbers
I would like to remove the trailing zero
example, instead of 1.30 €, I want 1.3

You can format it as

[=F(TN('{TICKET TOTAL}'),'0.##')] 

That means two optional digits. You can read more about it here