Printer Template Formatting Tags


  • <T> (Title) : When used it will format line as a title.
  • <F> (Fill) : For example <F>- creates a line with - chars or <F>= creates a line with = chars.
  • <EB> (Enable Bold) Prints everything Bold until <DB> command.
  • <DB> (Disable Bold) Ends <EB> command
  • <Jxy> (Justified) Justifies a line from pipe char. <J00>Total:|0.00 separates line from pipe (|) char. It aligns Total: part left and 0.00 part right. When used on a ESC/POS compatible ticket printer numeric parts sets font size. First number sets font height and second number sets font width. For example <J10> sets font height to 1 and font width to 0.
  • <Cxy> (Center) Same as <J00> but this command centers text.
  • <Lxy> (Left) Same as <J00> but this one left aligns text.
  • <Rxy> (Right) Same as <J00> but this one right aligns text.
  • <Jxy:n>(Justify Wide) Same as <J> tag but if you’re using wide char languages such as Chinese you can define char length here. For example <J00:2> means characters are 2 characters wide.

##Custom Commands

  • <XCT> (Execute) Useful to send escape commands to printers or data to port printers. For example <XCT>27,112,0,25,250 to send open drawer command to printer.
  • <BEEP> (Beep Sound) If ticket printer supports printer will beep on this command. Generally used at the end of ticket template to inform user about something printed. Generally useful on kitchen printers.
  • <Bxy> (Custom Beep)
  • x: Beep Count
  • y: Beep Duration. <B22> beeps two times.
  • <CUT> Sends paper cut command to printer.

##Logo printing, Barcode Printing and Bitmaps

  • <BMP>[FileName] Prints Bitmap file. <BMP>C:\logo.bmp.
  • <BAR> Prints bar code in code 128 format. <BAR>123456789
    • Supports 13,39,08,93,11,25 barcode types. <BAR13> prints Ean13 format.
  • <QR> Prints QR Code. <QR>ABCDEFG
    • x: Bitmap size. [1-9]
    • y: Error Correction. [1-4] <QR23>55aa


  • <el> Enable Left
  • <ec> Enable Center
  • <er> Enable Right

These tags are useful to position bitmaps. For example after <ec> tag everything (including logos & bitmaps) prints center aligned. To disable it you can change alignment with <el> or <er> tag.

For positioning more precisely you can use space characters. For example <QR> 12313 tag has two spaces between tag and code. That means bitmap will slide right by two pixels. It works with <BAR>, <QR> and <BMP> tags.


Printer Templates supports custom expressions to make some simple calculations.

Syntax: [=<expression>]

For example: [=2+3] expression prints 5.

You can use current printer template tags to make calculations based on ticket values.

[={TICKET TOTAL}*0.1] Prints %10 of the ticket total.

Numeric tags such as {TICKET TOTAL} prints formatted numbers such as 1,523.00. To be able to use these numbers safely in expressions we need to convert them to numbers by stripping thousand separators and correcting decimal separator. To be able to do this we can use (ToNumber) TN function. So our expression becomes [=TN('{TICKET TOTAL}')*0.1]

These are the available functions:

  • F: Format Function. [=F(<number>,<format>)].
    Formats numeric values with given format.
  • FF Fix Format Function. [=FF(<string>,<format>)].
    Fixes formatting of the string formatted number.
  • TN: ToNumber Function [=TN(<string>)].
    Converts string formatted number to a numeric value.
  • FD: Format Date Function [=FD(<date>,<format>)].
    Changes formatting of date values.
  • ADD: Add Days Function [=ADD(<date>,<days>].
    Adds days to date values.
  • ADM: Add Months Function [=ADD(<date>,<months>].
    Adds months to date values.


[=FF('{TICKET TOTAL}','#')]

Strips decimal parts from numbers.

[=FF('{TICKET TOTAL}','#;-#;0')]

By using semicolon ; character you can define separate formats for positive and negative numbers. First section will be used for positive, second section for negafive numbers. Third section is for zeros.

For example:

-+#;minus #;zero. format will display + infront of positive numbers, minus word in front of negative numbers and zero instead of 0.
-'#,#0.00;#,#0.00' will remove - sign in front of negative numbers.

[=FD(ADD('{TICKET DATE}',1),'dd/MM/yyyy')]

Adds 1 day to date value and prints with dd/mm/yyyy format.

[=F(TN('{TICKET TOTAL}')*0.2,'#')]

Calculates %20 of Ticket Total and strips decimals from number.


I moved 2 posts to a new topic: Chinese formatting

I moved a post to a new topic: Reading data from SambaCard

hi @emre
i still confuse how to edit/manage font size at print bill, i need to make font of orders smaller. can you give tell me how i may chance it.

thank you

Thermal Printers are character based printers. On raw printing it supports 42 to 48 chars per line. Some printers supports changing this configuration with DIP switches. By default SambaPOS prints with smallest size available. You can just increase font size.

Just wanted to add number formatting as it took me 20 mins looking through the V2 forum.

[=F(TN(’{TICKET TOTAL}’),’#,##0.00’)]

[=FF('{TICKET TOTAL}','#,##0.00')] is the shortcut for change formatting.


How do we format dates.
I would like to be able to get the current year and then increment this by 1,2,3,etc to store against a Customer.
{DATE} returns 14/03/2014, but I only need the year.
Using [=FF('{DATE}','yyyy')] returns ‘yyyy’

FF function does not accept date values. I’ve recently implemented FD (fomat date) function for this so on next release you’ll be able to create expressions like

[=TN(FD('{TICKET DATE}','yyyy'))+1]

If it is a entity custom data also you should be able to use +365 to add 365 days to current value. It should work on Update Entity Data action.

I tried with: [=TN(FD(’{TICKET DATE}’,‘yyyy’))+1]
but change the year
How do I change the day?
21/8/2014 + 1 = 22/8/2014
31/8/2014 + 1 = 01/9/2014

[=TN(FD(’{TICKET DATE}’))+1]

Should work. Using ‘yyyy’ as a format only shows the year and adds 1 to that.

how do you use on the day or month?

if I add: [=TN(FD(’{TICKET DATE}’))+1]
me as a result “1”

It will be a long expression but it may be possible by fragmenting date to parts with ‘yyyy’, ‘MM’ and ‘dd’ formats, increase month and converting it back to date with FD function.


Will return 25/3/2014 (current date for me is 24/3/2014)

@emre, so how do we compare dates ?
If we add the above to {:ExpiryDate} variable, how would we compare this to {DATE} in a Rule ?
eg, If {DATE} > {:ExpiryDate} then “Membership Has Expired”

in fact! in addition to being a long term, the problem will understand when the month is 30 or 31
if I do: [=TN(FD(’{DATE}’,‘dd’))+10]/[=TN(FD(’{DATE}’,‘MM’))]/[=TN(FD(’{DATE}’,‘yyyy’))]
23/03/2014 + 10 = 33/03/2014 and not 01/04/2014

@JohnS Before and After operators should compare dates.

@spanky You are right that will cause issues. I’ll check if I can implement add day, month expression functions.

@emre, I have got the comparison working now :smiley:
I think we need a simplified way of adding days, months or years to a date, so that the date is calculated correctly for days in month, etc

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We are running a test and would like to have all of the phases of a bill print to a text file. This includes: 1-When you hit PRINT BILL on the main screen after keying an order, 2-When you hit SETTLE, include tip and choose payment type, and hit CLOSE (both cash and credit would print updated receipt with all fields included), and 3-When you hit UNLOCK TICKET and PRINT BILL on the main screen when displaying Closed Tickets, we would like for this to include the order and payment terms, basically everything listed above (regarding #3, if there’s an easier way to reprint tickets that I missed, please forgive me. I’m just getting used to the system) - Thanks! Gabby

Hi, I am trying to add the Tax amount on a customer receipt template which is fine except I need to limit the figure to only show 2 decimal places. For example - if the total figure is £14.85 the tax amount is printing as 2.475 I need this to print as 2.48. If you can tell me how to round up and only show to 2 decimal places that would be great.

Many Thanks
