Dont print image on Bill

How to Print Image on Bill?

i have tried c:\ logo.bmp in Template but didn’t work.
IMG 72dpi 1bit 300x270px
On bill print only “c:\ logo.bmp”

What printer type do you have set?
It should generally be Ticket Printer and the line should be;


The image logo.bmp would have to be in the root of your C:\ drive.
If your still struggling upload a screenshot of your template and printer setting page.

look at this sample

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Type:Windows printer
I try this template

-- General layout
<C00>Pizzaria da Praзa
<J00>Data:{TICKET DATE}|Hora:{TIME}
[<J00>Sub-Total:|R${PLAIN TOTAL}]

<J10>Total:|R${TICKET TOTAL}

<C10>Obrigado pela preferenзa




-- Default format for orders

-- Format for gifted orders
<J00>- {QUANTITY} {NAME}|Promoзao

-- Nothing will print for void lines

-- Format for order tags

-- Table entity format

-- Customer entity format
<J00>Cliente: {ENTITY NAME} | {ENTITY DATA:Phone}

What printer you using?
Change to ticket printer and try.

I try print XPS document
I do not have printers for the test, but I know a check printing operation must be easy in the xps document
I try to change C: to D: still not print images

Not sure if <BMP> tag works with windows printer.

A better method for test printing is the test/demo printer option.
Select it as printer type and set printer name to anything which isnt a printer - just ‘test’ or even just ‘.’ and open text editor and samba will print into text editor.
Not sure if images would work but better solution for testing ticket which will be used with ticket printer.

Also when it comes to printing an image your generally better off with a better printer which allows the logo to be loaded into the printer itself as Peter posted above and use the logo command as the app which loads the logo will convert it to res etc that will print quickly on the printer.
using the BMP tag generally will make the portion of the ticket with the logo print very slowly…

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It will work when you have printer. <BMP> tag converts image to a set of commands ESC/POS emulated printers understands. It won’t print to xps.

In principle you can connect a network printer to it, even if this one is A4 / Letter format.
If you don’t have a Network printer available, a solution would be to purchase a Printer Server and connect the Printer trough the Printer Server to the Network. Works great for testing if you don’t like to purchase a new printer for this.

By the way, a normal A4/Letter USB printer will also work.

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Will you eventually be using an actual printer? If so which one?

I think the better question is why are you trying to have your logo print on a virtual test printer.