Don't see this every day

Well I would of posted this in the lounge but maybe my interest has waned and my privileges revoked?
Have a look at the paths below it as close as we get these days haha…

[General Info]

Application: SambaPOS
Version:     5.1.60
Region:      en
DB:          SQ
Machine:     ASUS-27TOUCH
User:        Paul
Date:        9/08/2017
Time:        1:18 PM

User Explanation:

Paul said ""

[Exception Info 1]

Top-level Exception
Type:        System.FormatException
Message:     '20c' string cannot be converted to Length.
Source:      PresentationFramework
Stack Trace: at System.Windows.LengthConverter.FromString(String s, CultureInfo cultureInfo)
   at System.Windows.LengthConverter.ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext typeDescriptorContext, CultureInfo cultureInfo, Object source)
   at Samba.Services.Common.SimpleReport..ctor(String pageWidth)
   at Samba.Modules.BasicReports.CustomReports.ReportCreator.Build(Action`1 callback) in C:\Users\Emre\Documents\GitHub\SambaPOSPro\Samba.Modules.BasicReports\CustomReports\ReportCreator.cs:line 54
   at Samba.Modules.BasicReports.CustomReports.CustomReportService.GetReport(CustomReport report, String parameters, Action`1 callback) in C:\Users\Emre\Documents\GitHub\SambaPOSPro\Samba.Modules.BasicReports\CustomReports\CustomReportService.cs:line 231
   at Samba.Modules.BasicReports.Dashboard.ReportViewModel.OnPreview(String obj) in C:\Users\Emre\Documents\GitHub\SambaPOSPro\Samba.Modules.BasicReports\Dashboard\ReportViewModel.cs:line 74


Nothing to do folks as we work around all our issues these days - as I said would of posted in the lounge for nostalgic value only :slight_smile:

Lounge access is automatic with the regular forum member type…
It sets that based on frequency of visits and posts read etc, its nothing personal just automatic discourse user level system.

Yes I thought that but was just making a point…

Sadly I don’t think your point will matter much right now. Good news is they have a clear plan and we will see new innovations.

Hi JTRTech,

What privileges are granted upon lounge access? How do we become members of this lounge?




Its just a category only accesible by users who are on the forums a lot. Have a look here.
This is time and activity based, unlike the previous levels. In the last 100 days…

must have visited at least 50% of days
must have replied to at least 10 different topics
of topics created in the last 100 days, must have viewed 25% (capped at 500)
of posts created in the last 100 days, must have read 25% (capped at 20k)
must have received 20 likes, and given 30 likes.*
must not have received more than 5 spam or offensive flags (with unique posts and unique users for each, confirmed by a moderator)
must not have been suspended


I’m amazed I ever made it in, but I guess posts like this helped :yum:

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