Working on an function where you highlight a selected item in a ticket and using Duplicate Order Action, you click on a button called “Repeat Item Order” and it clones the order.
This works fine if you highlight a single item and click Repeat Order.
However when you highlight more than 1, it seems to duplicate numerous times which I find very weird.
Unsure if this is due to course mappings or something else.
I thought it may be something related to the courses, so i selected an item from a different course and highlighted an item from each course and clicked “Re-Order Item”, and the result is the same. See Below.
I thought the same thing you did, when I was trying to help someone else with a similar problem. I was able to got a couple thousand orders on a ticket with a single click…kinda impressive I thought. lol
@JTRTech helped figure that one out. The thanks needs to be point towards him.