Entity Buttons wont automatic update state/color

Just went on live with V4 today. Notice my floor plan with entity buttons won’t update state/color. I have messenger service connected on all terminal. Check button property Auto refresh is checked.

Thank you,

Is it updating on any of them at all? Or is it only updating on the terminal used?

Only update on terminal used. Or I have to click entity tab to refresh.

Message server is not working correctly then. Double check it make sure you defined actual terminal names etc.

Hmm…All terminal say connected. Server Name is correct too.
I will restart and check it again tomorrow.

Emphasize the double check make sure you defined actual terminal names in Samba.

On each terminal, Setting->Local Setting->Terminal Name: Select from dropdown list. (I have Server, Cashier and Mobile)
Message Server Name: MEDIACENTER-PC

Is this what you mean?

Each terminal has to have their name set in Settings/Localsettings at the top and you need terminals setup under Settings/Terminals Make sure you restart Sambapos on each terminal after you change this setting.

Be sure you’re running message server only on server and all clients connects to that server. Check Management > Local Settings on all clients. Message Server Name should be the Server’s Name

If you started message server on each client that could be your issue. You only run message server on the server… just let SambaPOS connect them to it.