Entity Screen - Display & Filter using different State Names

if I remove the following State Filter I can see However if I leave the State Filter = EmployeedYes then nothing appears.

Removed State Filter all Appear however when I put state filter = Employeedyes they all disappear.

Put State Filter back = EmployeedYes and then blank and there is only one employee in my example that should not appear

The screenshot of your Batch Entity Editor is showing Custom Data Fields, not States. They are not the same thing, and Custom Data Fields will have no effect on what you are trying to achieve.

You need to set the States of the Employees, which are not displayed there, but you can edit them there, like this …

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That’s a step forward.

I was able to see the employeed staff if i take our the Display State = TCStatus , Im trying to see only those employeed staff = Yes and Display State = TCStatus

This is where it would be nice to have a entity custom data field linked to a state so that you could basically change the state easily from a drop-down list or something.