[FIGURED OUT]Multiple Account Transactions of same Account Type

Got it to work!!! finally i learned a ton from this about how Samba works so sorry to bother you so much.

Think I might right up the process I did and why someone else might find it useful.


Fantastic @Jesse! Write it up! Call it Expenses and Payouts - Method K :wink:

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+1 for Expenses and Payouts - Method K


I will write it up as a Tutorial once I get more time. I am spending most of my time simply trying to understand the environment so I can implement things into my business. My goal with accounting is to keep as much of my business operations on ONE screen as possible for simplicity and for less overhead. My hopes is when I am done I can almost have a fully integrated accounting system within this program. If i can achieve that the next thing I would like is the customizable reports I could build from the accounting screen that I could pull and prepare for my Accountant that handles my records.

I could handle all of my records myself especially with a fully integrated accounting system however I prefer the professional route simply for legal reasons. But I am hoping this system when finished will make my Accountants time spent less and save me costs with my accounting.

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