[Fixed 4.1.57] DB Table [PeriodicConsumptionItems] - 2 columns are misnamed (reversed)

@emre, been scratching my head about this for about an hour wondering why my query was pulling a bunch of NULLs, then I realized there are misnamed columns. As shown below, the column names outlined in RED have their names reversed in table [PeriodicConsumptionItems]:

I realize fixing this is going to break some Custom Reports for some people (yes, I’m thinking about you @gerlandog), but is there a chance this could be corrected sooner rather than later?


When I did the reports I noticed something strange but did not pay much attention… the database fields did not sound entirely correct, but again… was more interested in having it working than analyzing, LOL!!!



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Wow awesome catch. As it is an issue with FK creation it was a little tricky but I solved it :slight_smile: Will work fine after next update.


@emre, It appears the following table has the same problem:


Yeah. I’ve fixed CostItems too. Thanks.

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I want to save this query here for updating later when the fixes are in place. This is a properly constructed Stock Level Report (originally based on query from @gerlandog).

use [SambaPOS4]

  wp.[Id] as [WPID]
--, wp.[StartDate] as [WPBeg]
--, wp.[EndDate] as [WPEnd]
--, pci.[Id] as [pciID]
--, pc.[Id] as [pcID]
--, pci.[PeriodicConsumptionId] [pcIDbad]
--, wc.[Id] as [wcID]
--, pci.[WarehouseConsumptionId] as [wcIDbad]
--, wc.[WarehouseId] as [whID]
, wh.[Name] as [Warehouse]
, ii.[GroupCode] as [ItemType]
, ii.[Name] as [Item]
, ii.[TransactionUnit]
, CONVERT(numeric(6,2),ISNULL([PhysicalInventory],([InStock]+[Added]-[Removed]-[Consumption]))) as [QLarge]
, pci.[UnitMultiplier] as [Multiplier]
, ii.[BaseUnit]
, CONVERT(INT,(CONVERT(numeric(6,2),ISNULL([PhysicalInventory],([InStock]+[Added]-[Removed]-[Consumption])))*[UnitMultiplier])) as [QSmall]

FROM [PeriodicConsumptionItems] pci
--left join [PeriodicConsumptions] pc on pc.[Id]=pci.[PeriodicConsumptionId]
--above line will work for next version (4.1.56), until upgrade, must use following line (4.1.55)
left join [PeriodicConsumptions] pc on pc.[Id]=pci.[WarehouseConsumptionId]
left join [WarehouseConsumptions] wc on wc.[PeriodicConsumptionId]=pc.[Id]
left join [InventoryItems] ii on ii.[Id]=pci.[InventoryItemId]
left join [Warehouses] wh on wh.[Id]=wc.[WarehouseId]
left join [WorkPeriods] wp on wp.[Id]=pc.[WorkPeriodId]

-- ensure we are pulling data for latest CLOSED WorkPeriod
 AND wp.[Id] = (SELECT max([Id]) FROM [WorkPeriods] WHERE [StartDate]!=[EndDate])
-- AND  pci.[WarehouseConsumptionId]=wc.[Id]
-- above line will work for next version (4.1.56), until upgrade, must use following line (4.1.55)
 AND pci.[PeriodicConsumptionId]=wc.[Id]
-- filter by Warehouse Type... comment line to show all Warehouse Types
 AND wh.[WarehouseTypeId]=(select [Id] from [WarehouseTypes] where [Name]='Local Warehouses'
-- filter by Warehouse Name... comment line to show all Warehouses
 AND wh.[Name]='SHOP'

ORDER BY [Warehouse], [ItemType], [Item]

Result set examples:

Warehouse SHOP:

Warehouse BODEGA:


Yay! As of v4.1.57, the column names are correct, so the following query works. @gerlandog, you will need to update your SQL…

use [SambaPOS4]

      wp.[Id] as [WPID]
    --, wp.[StartDate] as [WPBeg]
    --, wp.[EndDate] as [WPEnd]
    --, pci.[Id] as [pciID]
    --, pc.[Id] as [pcID]
    --, pci.[PeriodicConsumptionId] [pcIDbad]
    --, wc.[Id] as [wcID]
    --, pci.[WarehouseConsumptionId] as [wcIDbad]
    --, wc.[WarehouseId] as [whID]
    , wh.[Name] as [Warehouse]
    , ii.[GroupCode] as [ItemType]
    , ii.[Name] as [Item]
    , ii.[TransactionUnit]
    , CONVERT(numeric(6,2),ISNULL([PhysicalInventory],([InStock]+[Added]-[Removed]-[Consumption]))) as [QLarge]
    , pci.[UnitMultiplier] as [Multiplier]
    , ii.[BaseUnit]
    , CONVERT(INT,(CONVERT(numeric(6,2),ISNULL([PhysicalInventory],([InStock]+[Added]-[Removed]-[Consumption])))*[UnitMultiplier])) as [QSmall]

    FROM [PeriodicConsumptionItems] pci
    left join [PeriodicConsumptions] pc on pc.[Id]=pci.[PeriodicConsumptionId]
    left join [WarehouseConsumptions] wc on wc.[PeriodicConsumptionId]=pc.[Id]
    left join [InventoryItems] ii on ii.[Id]=pci.[InventoryItemId]
    left join [Warehouses] wh on wh.[Id]=wc.[WarehouseId]
    left join [WorkPeriods] wp on wp.[Id]=pc.[WorkPeriodId]

    WHERE 1=1
    -- ensure we are pulling data for latest CLOSED WorkPeriod
     AND wp.[Id] = (SELECT max([Id]) FROM [WorkPeriods] WHERE [StartDate]!=[EndDate])
     AND  pci.[WarehouseConsumptionId]=wc.[Id]
    -- filter by Warehouse Type... comment line to show all Warehouse Types
     AND wh.[WarehouseTypeId]=(select [Id] from [WarehouseTypes] where [Name]='Local Warehouses'
    -- filter by Warehouse Name... comment line to show all Warehouses
     AND wh.[Name]='SHOP'

    ORDER BY [Warehouse], [ItemType], [Item]
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