[Fixed 4.1.72] Tax template not removed/recalculated after all items have been moved (Total is Zero)

I have a scenario that tax template will not recalculate if all items in the ticket have been moved or void. This will happen only when total amount is 0.

Which version of SambaPOS? Please give exact steps (possibly with screenshots) to re-create the issue.

I just tried voiding all items on a Ticket (down to zero and down to non-zero), and I also tried moving items (some or all) from 1 table to another. Tax updates are completing normally.

Have you changed the default behavior of Void GStatus or any other State flows?

Ticket was closed and show zero but account transaction for tax still there (only show in Account).
Work period report is correct. Account report is wrong.

Edit I will try to get default database too test again.

Odd… This isn’t correct… It’s basically leaving behind the Tax for 1 of the Products.

EDIT: I just confirmed that it is the last Item on the Ticket - this can be proven if you order items with differing Tax amounts.

EDIT 2: It’s even worse if you have multiples of the last item (i.e. if last item has quantity 6, it will leave behind the Tax for all 6 of that items.

The test was for 4 items of equal value (60) having included Tax of 18% (9.15). So the items are 50.85 each plus 9.15 in Tax for a Total of 60.00

After Voiding all 4 Items on the Ticket (in one shot - select all 4 and click Void), an amount remains (9.15) which is the Tax for 1 of the Items…

It’s even worse if you have multiples of the last item (i.e. if last item has quantity 6, it will leave behind the Tax for all 6 of that items.

This was part of reason I made an abort transaction system. Although it was not the main reason. So this should probably still be fixed. I noticed this a while back because it was also crashing samba when you reopened those tickets and performed some functions. I found a way around it so I forgot about it and never reported it.

Well… I think I know what caused this. I’ve uploaded a quick fix. I’ll investigate it deeper and hope to release a public release. It will be great if you let me know it solves the issue.


This worked just tested it.

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Confirmed, fixed with 4.1.72 test release.

I’ve reuploaded 4.1.72. If you’ve downloaded under this topic please re-download for latest one.

Thank you very much for reporting and testing that.