Format without negative

I tried with

[=TN('{CALCULATION TOTAL}')*1000*-1]

but does not print anything!

Can you show your template where your using it?

here it is! the one I need for a precise format,

I tried also in a print template but nothing!

<J00>24SCONTO %
<J00>111[=TN('{CALCULATION TOTAL}')*1000*-1]-1
-- Default format for orders

That is an odd layout… can I ask what all the DEL symbols are for? Also what are the numbers for in


I mean it produces something like this:

1BBQ Sandwich111

That looks strange…Is that how you wanted it?

All the DEL Symbols what are they for?

I think he is sending it to fiscal printer.

Ok well anycase you should use [SERVICES] and {SERVICES} tags not discounts for calculations. I know that was my fault I made a mistake and told you [DISCOUNTS] I corrected that.

Use it like this and it will work.

<J00>24SCONTO %
<J00>111[=TN('{CALCULATION TOTAL}')*-1000]-1
-- Default format for orders

the exact “del” are for fiscal printer,
I tried again but now does not print the whole line
there is a way to format the field without making operations?

@spanky is template you showed us in your first post working?

If it works the only change you need to do is changing 1000 to -1000. So it will display 600.

exact, that model I published works,
I would just change the sign from - 600 to 600

OK Great !! so when you add - (minus) sign in front of 1000… What happens?

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the fiscal printer by mistake,
accepts only positive numbers, even when applying discounts

Not sure I understand what you mean… so when you added the - sign in front of 1000 did it work?

the fiscal printer as command accepts only positive number,
example if I have a discount of 1 euro will be in 1000, and not -1000

Can you answer this please?

if you use this


print but with a negative sign
if you use this

[=TN('{CALCULATION TOTAL}')*1000*-1]

do not print the number
if you use this


does not print the entire line because maybe he sees it as a one off and not service

You still have not answered our question… your original template… just add the - in front of the 1000 does it work?

Can you show an example?

I tried my model with the negative and does not print the number

But it did print the number before ? Can you show us some pictures of what your talking about?

Can you show us your original template?

The model I am using is this:

<J00>24SCONTO %
<J00>111[=TN('{CALCULATION TOTAL}')*-1000]-1

-- Default format for orders

the result of this text file is:

as you can see the number is not printed!

Ok that is wrong you cant use {CALCULATION TOTAL} inside Discounts… I thought you said it was working?

So it really doesnt work?